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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. these ones dont look like vibes...they look like skullfucked aliens




    at least it looks happy


    Ahh yea I forgot they dropped the vibe looking one for a new ugly as hell one :wtf:

  2. yea no... iff it was a cool car eeeeeh mabey but its a looks too much like a pontiac vibe pass :bangbang:


    Packie was close but this is our winnar! Your prize is a photo session with paul in the chase bathroom, pants are required.



  3. have you thought about doing a weekend 1 day event. Not just for members but advertise and pass out flyers and such. Get sponsors to throw in money to set up a booth at the event which will help the rental cost and help the sponsors in selling product. I'm not bashing on IFO becuase I love their events but if they can do it then i'm sure letting all cars and setting up certain classes will be a huge hit. I would help organize some of it if you would be willing to do that. Not sure if this year is an option or not but maybe for next year???


    I see 100-200 cars at these super small car shows all the time that charge 15bucks entry. If you would hold a car show and charge the same entry you will probably have double the cars considering where it would be held and go around and get local area businesses to sponsor each trophy that way you have no money in that. I mean $15 at even 300 car = $4500. Just a thought this may be the wrong thread to pitch my ideas in though sorry


    double the cars means even less runs for the people who actually want to race.


    an cr holds a car show once a year for the garage/trailer queens

  4. is today wednsday? wow how time flys.


    wait what.. thought you meant the one on Lazelle. Nevermind.





    for the haters out there its gonna be slow kinda dead but free pool. if u dont like it then suck it

  5. The water. im assuming checking tags #s... making sure they have enough live vests per vessel ect.
    Tickets on the roads or on the water? ... and what for? I saw them eye balling me at the dock Saturday, but there ain't shit those nitpickers could find even if they wanted to.
  6. I know, I expected to wait 30 minutes in line and there was no wait at all... ??? It was less wait than I had last weekend. Lots of trailers parked, but the line was non existant, guess there's lot of early boaters out there.


    Sam your boat sounds awesome! I want superchargers LOL.

    x2 on no line launching.. btu there was a line trying to pick up jetski up at 430 because a boat was sinking so they drug it to the ramp to avoid sinking... problem is it took up both lanes ahhh well



    Sucks, I love camping but no one I know really does it anymore...

    hit me up son


    i went out again today the chop was terrible considering there were few boats on the water. no waiting in line again.

    saw you today i was on my 3 seater jet ski doing water skiing. even yelled out for you as you passed on by (coming out of a cove near the marina launch)



    overall was a good nice hot day, the water was super warm. an wow cops giving out tickets left an right!

  7. trans warranty was extended to 120k



    SRS lights for the OPDS system is extended to 140k, seat belt buckles/belts are lifetime warranty sometimes the buckle will set a SRS code


    I love it when u talk dirty.....


    Craig is still the most fuckable guy on cr no homo


    (Someone still have that pic of him :lol:?)

  8. I

    how long is your boat paul, it may be best to just buy a new trailor. you really did that thing in driving with a busted bearing.


    I thought about a new trailer but I can't really tow the boat to a lake to swap trailers lol an. Yea who knows I'm just so frustrated with it that ill let it sit another month before I touch it

  9. Well fuck boat trailers....


    Went out an bought a full bolt in unit that seemed too good to be true. Did some measurements. Of the old one an this one matched up..... but after furthier review this one had these mounts where it would sit on the leaf springs... well they are spaced out 1 an 3/8th inch too far on each side f m l so I just gave up I rigged the old axel back on there an drug it back into the garage with the left wheel held on by locking pliers :lol:


    I guess the jet ski won the lottery again for tomorrow.


    Anyone knoe where I can get a new axel for a trailor I need a 58inch wide axel but has to be 46 inches for the bolt areas between the leaf springs

  10. well as some know last month on the way to work(boat in tow) the left wheel on the boat trailer broke. After carefully limping it home i let it sit for a month in punishment for doing me wrong...


    fast forward to today i go to asses the damage :D i go an jack the back of the trailer up to put it on jack stands and when jacking it up ...the whole wheel/hub just falls off the trailer :wtf: ...mind you i never loosened anything. how i got home i have noooooo idea haha


    well i go pick up a general trailer hub kit, an go to put it on an took me over an hour(im a newb) to put one bearing on. turns out the whole axle is shot, its bent, an the ends are just trashed :( yay for me. going to go find an axle for it, get help from someone who knows what there doing an im HOPING to be out on alum on sunday with it. all i wanted to do was a simple change of parts on the trailer an its turns into a fiasco FML :lol:

  11. TwinScrew Lysholm 1600AX + K24+ built head = devastation aka 450whp+

    my little neon aint scared.....

    It prob wont be done until next summer, but when it is ill make sure to give you the first ride mr DarkFormula lol.


    ahhh here we go another hopes an dreams thread :rolleyes:

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