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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. HAHA, wish I could. I'm a 8-5 mon-fri guy. If you go out this weekend though, let me know. Maybe I will throw a seat in the little boat and take it for a shake down run.


    Ill be out till sundown


    An if the boat runs fine I might be out this weekend. Weathers calling for 60s but leme know if ur out this weekend.

  2. Paul, not trying to be a dick, but don't forget your paddle this time. :) I'm jealous. I wish I was out there too!


    :finger: haha I probably should go get one.


    Ur welcome to come out an get stuck in the middle of the lake with me tomorrow. Heading out at 2pm should be there all afternoon pending if I get stuck haha

  3. I don't own jeans, so that's a FAIL.


    Seriously. I'm looking for real advice on the situation.


    EDIT: The job that I have I don't really need to have, it's just a BS second job that brings in a few extra dollars a month but they don't need to know that. I think it will just help my cause.


    Serious advice? Slow down. Dude u were 24 over the limit... not 5 or 10 where they could give leeway shoot 15 they might give somebut 24 over.... if ur job depends on it I know there is a course that takes 2 pounts off ur record u can take but I don't know if u can take it unless ur at 12 points I don't know u do the research for it but its a few hundred bucks for the class.

  4. Hmm looking for advice on modding a geo huh...


    Ide probably start at http://www.apc.com an add a multi colored body kit a double decker wing. Some plastic hub cap spinner, must an I repeat must have a set of neons on it a big fart can, put in some home audio speakers. An blar bon jovi an rock out with a visior cocked to the side like yea. Oh an 50000 stickers for apc yoko aem sonnnnnnnn. Mabey even new embress like GTR, or JDM


    reynoldsburg eh? do you hang out at crown alot?


    Hater :finger:

  5. Deposit made on my boat, pick up in a few weeks. Look forward to meeting those of you I don't know, probably most of you on this thread, and checking out some boats. I'm ready to party biatches!


    Nicee looks like ur boat is a mid 50s mph. Should be good race with my jetski or mabeyyy m y boat(was told 40-50) depending on conditions.


    Dam why does it have to be low 60s this weekendi wanna get my jet ski out ahh

  6. Gonna be 82 tomoww(windy but warm) got a fresh boat battery in fresh gas. Gonna take it out an hope it doesn't breakdown again haha


    Ran it off the hose for about 10 15 minuites yesterday ran fine so hoping for the best ahhhh

  7. thats a nice boat...but preety pricy for your first boat(assuming this is your first boat hate to spend all the money to find out that boating might not be your thing) )... an way above your 7-12 range u posted about earlier
  8. Dude I was right beside you at the light by Kroger lol.....on my way back from Home Depot in a rusty POS S10


    Haha that s10 was a rust bucket haha

  9. When are you getting whatever car you decide upon? Or is this just some sort of casual poll that you can berate over for the next few years?

    Its just another hopes an dreams thread like I stted earlier... he won't get any of them.

    god for once I agree with u...


    We have the. Works of a world class ricer here ..


    not easy to mod.....at least tune wise.....as say the sunk line is.


    An there slow :p. Bring it

  10. You going to be out in it a fair amount this year Sam? Part of my decision will be how many people there are to join in the fun with. More boats = more fun.


    It appears I'm looking at the Yamaha equivalent of both of those boats you had, the older flatter style that's rougher in chop and the newer style with more V and weight and power and all that... an AR210 vs a 212SS. I want the SS, but then I always want what costs more....


    Cr boat night during rthe week has 5 to 15 people on any given night.


    The weekends a lot of us are out as well.

  11. Yup, I'm going to tell them to reject my stuff. I have way too many sources of money to be charged for a mistake when the funds are available elsewhere. I usually have 2 overdrafts a year and its always my wife using the wrong bank card.


    Just because its in the terms and conditions doesnt make it right. I've seen a lot off things removed from terms and conditions over my time. Another thing I saw that Chase is changing is the order in which they are charged. Why are they changing it from highest to lowest to the order it came in if its right(if I read that right)? I figure they wanted to get a head start on changing things before they are forced to.


    As banking laws change we have to change sucks but meh its the law.


    It might not be "right". Which is an opinion, its still banking policy. In wich u signed an agreed for when opening the account. Some people say its unmoral blahblahblah this is buisness straight up......

  12. So if someone makes 4 purchases when they have the money in there and one that overdrafts it its fair to rearange them to "benefit the customer" :rolleyes:. Yes they have to manage it better but changing the order is criminal. As a customer do they really think someone would rather have 10 overdraft fees instead of 1. Hell the fuck no. And he did get his money back after bitching for 30 minutes and having to wait a day for a sup call back.



    negative captain doesn't matter what order u do transaactions nothing posts untill the end of the buisness day anyways.


    Oh an its stated in your terms an conditions so suck it bitch.


    Also why do transactions even if ur thinking ur only gonna over draw 1 transaction. If u don't have the mone don't spend it. An yeayea he thought key word there thought he had a direct deposit come threw. Its his fault for not being responsible enough an trying to "float" transactions untill his direct depost hits.


    Sucky suitation that banks do this but that's why banks offer OVER DRAFT PROTECTION so u can prevent this...


    The lawsuit will take care of this. I dont see it happening for much longer, plus from what I've seen Chase has already made some changes. Yes you have to opt in, but its better than being forced into overdraft protection (yes I'm that one guy that actually reads the things that come in the mail :lol: )
    haha good man but u might of read it wrong..


    u can't be forced into over draft protection... this is a product u have to qualify for.. what your talkin about is over draft coverage(this gives u the option to have your card instantly be declined0 or u can opt into the program an over draw..inwich u will get over draft fees.

  13. No one mentions the mazdaspeed 3 or mazdaspeed 6 =(




    No one cares about a turbo taurus


    Hahaha but dude its not a taurus.... its a turbo pontiac vibe :lol:

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