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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. Fuck all banks, they are all a bunch of crooks. The bank that has been the most honest to me has been 5/3. I had to switch to Chase because 5/3 doesn't exist out west, else I'd still be with 5/3. So far Chase has been good, I like their ATM's and they have better hours. National City is the worst...fucking assholes.


    i tell this to all my customers... dont over draw your account an you wont be in a situation to call them "crooks" . i find it funny when people blame others for them not keeping track of there money.

  2. Well what the fuck do you want, a fast car or an economy car? If you're gonna drop thousands on something, the fuck you worrying about a few bucks for extra gas for?


    you sound like a total homo





    here is yet another hopes an dreams thread... im sure he will post another one in a few months with the same question :gtfo:

  3. I liked crash in MW1.


    Now if you would excuse me, I need to go put water in yo mommas bowl


    Ahahah keep sippin that hateraide ill be going home an playing the new mapsa while u sit like a good little bitch an wait for ur turn.

  4. Because there are a lot of tards like you that went out and bought the xbox, and cant afford a PS3 because of your xbox live fees :lol:


    I can afford my 8 cents a day for xbox live....

    I really wish crash wasent one of the maps I hated that map.




    Haters wanna hateeee ballers wanna balll

  5. Lol sucks to be you I played the new maps last night they were AWESOMEEEEEEEe





    If xbox sucks so much then why would they get preferential treatment....


    They see me rolllinn they hatinnn... haha



  6. I will be attending C&C as well fuckers. might even bring lauren if she wants to wake up. I would assume she isn't going to want to get up at 7 on a saturday though. HOWEVER I WILL STILL BE THERE WITHOUT HER!

    I see you got your permission slip signed ahead of time. Good for you sir.

    I just want to weigh in here. Gerg is pussy whipped. I hate to agree with Paul, but it is the truth.


    all i got to say is paul was at the avg joe thing last night and instead of hanging out, all he was doing was playing with his phone on cr making this thread and posts.
    hey had to hate on greg.


    ^ because hes a homo
  7. I know I'm late to the party, but Greg + pussy whooped = :confused:


    Paul I think you're confusing just having a girlfriend with being pussy whooped. You see most men enjoy the company of an attractive woman. Sometimes they even prefer to hang out with said attractive woman, and potentially get sexy time, over hanging out with guys. Now I know this may come as a shock to someone who isn’t familiar with ladies, such as yourself but most men DO enjoy women. And if that sometimes comes at the expense of skipping out on your circle jerk, then as men we should support our brethren. We typically refer to this type of behavior as being a “Straight Male”.



    The line is drawn when said man becomes obsessed with only one woman and lets her lady parts control him. Being controlled by the pussy and simply enjoying the pussy is a thin line. Too much or too little can result in becoming “Pussy Whooped” or in your case, too little can be referred to as “Homosexual”. I find non of the above to be present in the Greg + Lauran (?) case. Based on my findings it appears that Greg has simply found an attractive woman with whom enjoys having intercourse with...





    BTW, you going to cars & coffe this weekend?

    ahhhh i rememeber your one of them whipped ones too hahaha :bangbang:


    an yes ill be at c&c

  8. True... shaving your ass would take off at least 25 pounds.

    Ass is shaved its my balls that are hairy

    Paul dont be jealous.


    And just because you give handjobs behind Crown for speed parts doesnt make you cool.

    gotta do what u gotta do.


    Pc clock says correct time, meh


    id rather be a pizzza jockey than a package jockey :lol:


    10$ has

    Locked in son

  9. Just got my boat out of the garage today for the first time this yr. Gonna give her a good washing, try to get this stereo system installed for some bumps and then wait alil longer till it warms up to go boating.


    What set up did u decide to go with?

  10. Needs moar torque

    Needs about 100 pounds less weight

    we will see paul :bangbang:


    going to try to make it out to the track day next month....hopefully ill have new tires on the bike by then, im sure you noticed how shitty my rear tire is lol...its hard as a rock, likes to spin


    I ain't skerrrrrd




    Back on topic fuck u greg

  11. and im going to run a faster 1/8 mile than you ;)

    Put $ on it? I will own son.

    sadly paul is a pretty good rider, and he has alot of seat time on his, so he will probably beat you alot. i know he beats me and my bike ran 10.88 with a REALLY good rider on it, and i run 12's with it.


    Awww thanks greg e poo I do have a lot of seat time but sadly I'm no where near a good rider compared to the others that come out


    But I will own tyler (my bikes best is 11.70@119)


    An I shall own gregs turdblow fireturd too when it runs in 2013

  12. Boats and Coffee? :)


    Its boats an hoes :lol:


    Ill be at c&c trying to figure out if I wanna hit the dyno on the bike or take the jet ski out




    Just went to the lake for lunch break. The docs still aren't in lazy turds gonna be a warrrm next few days suprised they haven't put them in yet.

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