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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. get some friends you loser

    Have plenty thanks.

    Yeah the parking lot hangouts are boring, there isn't any real racing going on anymore, and i sold my ATV. I need another hobby, hmmmm.

    .......and no Paul I'm not buying a boat or jet ski.

    u know u wanna... no speedlimits on the water....


    How about you go get laid?



  2. Why does everyone go way out on the first trip of the year?


    I start my boat days before it ever sees water and go through everything. Then on the first trip to the water I stay right around the docks for awhile.


    Never had a problem. Though I will say I have ran out of gas in the middle of the river one or two times.


    i did run it at home first... and then i stayed in the no wake zone for a bit then started to go on the lake when everything was fine i still wasent far at all i was just on the other side of the lake where the marina was lol

  3. is soo flippen boring when its under 80 degrees !!!!!!!



    want to rip my hair out im so bored, its too cold to get the boat/jetski out, thers nothing good goign on ahhhhhhhh :(



    end whinny rant

  4. Because it's enough to put my daily driver into the 12's. I don't know?

    My daily has 50whp less an its in the 12s.... sounds like ur vw needs to step it up


    But preops on the mini vans that u an ur dads have got very impressive

    +1, there is 3 cars in my garage and all of them are over 330 WHP.
    not for long soon it'll have 2 byebye vette :(
  5. Who went to IMAX? Anyone? Everyone?


    Two dsms(not on a roll back eathier) I think dr rick in his vette then a few other people that no one knew with some rice tastic cars


    Oh an cam wait I alreaddy mentioned him :lol:

  6. ive got a push lawn mower that has a front wheel drive system so u just hold on an its self propelled... got a 6hp motor very powerfull never gets bogged down. ran great just needs a tune up (plug an filter). big bag on the back that u can take on or off.


    first 40 bucks obo comme an get it.

  7. Not everyone can be as sweet as you with a Dodge Neon and all.
    dude u drive a corolla an a Saturn :gtfo:


    Its whatever I can care less what other people do, but I do know people have been turned down at my work for tatts and crap. Tattoo's are the new in thing now, everyone is trying to be all socal'ed out with sleeves and suicide girl theme.


    im a so call kid :D been waiting (mainly saving $ an gettin the theme just right) i should be starting on my sleves later this summer if all goes as planned. nothign passed the wrist an nothing above the shoulder so it can be concealed in a long sleeve shirt since i work in a business atmosphere i dont wan tot jack up my chances.


    btw that girl is hottttttt

  8. Uhh I don't have either one of my cars right now, so if I show up, I'll be in a shitty looking IROC-Z with a horrible primer paint job (it's my friend's car that I've been driving lately)


    As far as where and when, I don't care


    Sounds like an excuse :lol:


    Hmm gotta do some plugs an fix this lean condition grrrr

  9. I will try to make it if I don't kill myself first from this damn paper :(


    FML I feel all Paul emo today

    Lol wtf??



    I may make a trip down tonight. I would say about 90% sure I will be there. Hooters on Main right?

    Right on let us know if u do

    I got dibs on riding paul, i dont want no sloppy seconds. I think ill be bringing the womans car out tonight cuz mine is being an asshole.

    U can have first dibs so long as u promise to eatt he cookie at the end


    I'm in hmm bike or car or ride bitch ahhh

  10. Damn man, that sucks.I cant believe nobody stopped.


    Did you have out your distress flag?? :p


    :finger: no lol didn't have one on the boat I should of known better... there was a bad ass flare that I wanted to use but decided not to lol


    The boat was fun when it ran I hope I fix whatever issues was going on.

  11. LOL - Have fun. If you do break down, it might be a while before someone is there to tow you in - so take a paddle. LOL. Take pics too!


    Are the docks in?


    Yeah, I have one you can use. Honestly though, you would spend more in gas coming to get it. Go to walmart, they have them cheap. Like 10 bucks or so I would say.




    Why did I think it was like 100bucks lol ahh well goinbg to wall mart later.


    Odd thing is the battery doesn't have enough cranking power right now but its got enough to jam to the radio haha

    Dom dom dom


    Oh an dam my phone batters dyibg too ahhh

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