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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. i hate doing it like that. i have been here for 8 years with 500ish quailty posts. i dont post unless i have something to say, or see something i want to respond to. nothing against ben/ohioriders, i just dont have anything to post about over there, i have tried. i understand why there are rules in place, no issue.




    i know how u feel its nothing against the site as the site is amazing just some of the people there rub me the wrong way so i dont like to post that often in there :(

  2. just killed another wheel this morning. i went to swerve around a pothole and smashed into an even bgger one. fml.


    file a claim with odot give as much info as u can when u fiel the claim (u can get there number off the odot website i no longer have the #) she will send u a form u have to fill out( clear of courts claim) there is a 25 $ fee to do this thought wtf.


    i sent mine in last wednesday they cashed my check in 2 days an i havent heard back since. hope they approve the dam thing! grrr i might call monday to check the status goodluck man

  3. Paul look at all the videos of dances this dance group does. Theres a list of videos on the right. One of them has to be what your talking about.


    hey man thanks that work4ed out an i found it threw there haha its call booty call haha

    Why don't you ask 1 one of the 10 people you were with WTF it was?

    lol i was so plastered dude but ill be sure to "ask" the one girl ashley next week :D

  4. You come to a car site asking about a dance? What in the wide wide world of fuck did you think would happen? John motherfuckin Travolta would come down from the internet heavens and provide you with what you need?


    Don't drink the bong water and then post on CR it never ends well...

    Lol yea not sure what I was thinking haha



    HEY, I tried to help. I put serious effort into those searches, and then selected the songs I thought most represented your musical tastes!


    cha cha slide

    Ahhh its not the cha cha slide lol

  5. OK you dancing queens I need your help... there is a line dance song thats like hip-hop ish its sort of like the cha cha slide or the cupid shuffle. the song most of the time just saying its parttttyyy timmmeeee... people keep telling me it's the cha cha slide but it's not lol



    u go two to the right two to the left back 2 jump once right foot left foot do a turn in a circle an then turn 90degrees an do it again... an it is not the cha cha slide!


    I know not much info but umm help me out here ive tried Google tried YouTube nothing ahhh



    oh an NO HOMO

  6. Pics?


    Edit: Congrats too!!








    the only pics ive got of the boat..as the boat isunder 3 feet of snow haha


    edit: ahh pics wont work wtf

  7. i think next time ill wipe out in your parking lot, catastrophically damaging every customer car in the lot


    My xar just so happens to be in said parking lot can u slam into the srt an total that bitch

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