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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. you get paid right paul? either quit or stop bitching.

    eventally i get paid yup

    So what you are saying it Chase doesn't suck...you position at Chase sucks.


    But even then, so what you had to work today. I only had today off because I traded with someone to have the day off with my wife. Otherwise, work as usual...no biggie.

    meh true my positioin does suck ass



    You have a job. Many do not.


    Grow up.





    hey shit slip on a knife an die in a fire you worthless fuck

  2. My wife works from Chase, had the day off. :)


    With all the snow, looks like she will be working from home tomorrow. She worked from home 2 days last week due to the weather. She makes a great living, plenty of vacation time, every holiday you can think of off (that she can float to different days when desired)...how can that be a bad place to work?


    Because today we are dam near the only department open... mind u 10 thousand people work at this location at any point in time annnn were preety much the only ones opened lol it sucks

  3. AHHHHHHH so tell me why all the banks are closed no financials will post today sooo WHY the heck is the corporate office open when we deal directly with stuff that woudl need to be done at the branch today WTf!!!!!!


    SORRY SMALL RANT as all my friends are eatheri closed or sent home today due to the holiday/snow an yet im sitting here in a cubicle wasting away. (office space comes to mind ahhhh)


    end rant chase bank sucks for making me work today lol also chase recognizes today as a holiday an are giving us holiday vacation time instead of closing

  4. you made yourself fall




    I think you left early old man




    i still have your boots and goggles in my terk.


    Oh btw that Waffle House made my almost shit my pants on the way home on 161. Felt like pulling over and shitting in a drainage ditch. Luckily I kept my composure and saved until I got to New Albany.


    no ur training wheels hit me an knocke dme over gettin off the lift.


    an yea waffle house was abad idea cause i wen tto teh bar afterwards an ughh felt liek shit the whole night lol

  5. defentally spot on for the price.


    if its spent its whole life plowing an pulling trees out ide be alittle weary of the tranny just like a plow truck.


    but if it runs great i would say go for it

  6. It wouldn't surprise me if other guys without valentines are thinking of getting a handgun and drinking. :wtf: Now that I think about it, mebbe that's not such a good suggestion, Paul.


    I'm waiting for Taylor Swift to get back to me about the Valentine's Day card I sent her. I forgot to put my cell # in the card, so I gotta stick around in case she drops by.

    haha not at the same time doc :p

    Hell yeah!! This guys are having sex and shit! Fucking idiots!!!


    yea but your married that doesnt count

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