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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. No excuses this year. Everyone complained about Dway42 being too far away so we went heavy on Trails. The events are spaced far enough apart for you to get your stuff ready... break it at the track... then have it fixed in time for the next event. If you dont think you have enough time take it to Gearhead. He'll stay up for 72 hours straight to make sure everyone makes it to the track on time :D


    Pot meet kettle....


    U need to make some passes this year...

  2. I like the shootout! Good job Ant

    u wont show anyways lol

    im going to try to make it to one of these.

    :bangbang: u better show we gotta race

    Cough, maybe change the front page info with this so it doesn't talk about events in 09, Cough.

    quit being lazy an u do it slacker


    head hebrew let me know if u need any help with these events this year.

  3. Have always heard about this site, I heard about it from kenny adams a while back. I went to school with kenny and went shooting with him a few times. just picked up an audi s4 so decided to join:)


    Welcome.kenny has been missed ..his year is coming up here shortly :( rip



    Any more info on ur s4 ?

  4. id say yes to this but i kno this is going to turn into a tough man comp where its just wild fucks throwing haymakers for 2 minutes and no real technique. but if anyone wants to workout and attempt to get in shape for this i can get you in my gym and work w/ you. my dad said he'd pay $30 to whip pauls ass lol.

    wagner i would take you on!!!

    :( thats nto cool. im a lover not a fighter.


    he also has a big black dildo if you wanna go over for more than pointers.
    haha he likes to play fetch


    Well we had 2 people give it a shot today Wagner & Howard showed up and I worked with them for a little over an hour. I think this may actualy work! :D


    right on looking forward to watching this

  5. fs: ive got adodge neon/srt4 black drivers door an driverside passanger door both in decent shape. came off my parts car. also have a front driver side fender 10 bucks



    drivers door:25$

    driver side passanger door:20$

    driver side fender:10$


    sell all for 35$


    throw out an offer..

  6. FWIW, Brandon (Capital Towing) arranged to pick up my father-in-law's Z06 - keys on the driver's seat - in UA and dropped off the car without incident at NTB downtown. I guess it's all about who you can trust...

    yea but he is a trusted an known member..



    not that big of a deal really.


    i guess ur better then me then cause im not leaving my vehicles to some random guy

  7. That sucks man I'm willing to bet she put the purse in the trunk when she got out.... robbers sit there an watch girls do this an then breeak into the car .... sucks goodluck finding the ring.. an goodluck with well yea. Sorry bro
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