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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. hmm thats PA this is ohio......:confused: but who knows ill either try and out do that one or by then ill be able to afford my dream car:rolleyes:


    besided dont you have a neon? or you get rid of it.


    I'm aware that's in pa... just stating they can. Do work :finger:


    An yea I've still got my pos

  2. So where are the pics and video from last night? My donuts were crazy yo!!! And I'm the snow/drift foot racing CHAMP!. Good times I didn't know 170 HP could be so much fun. Subaru for the win. Unless you're Ben. :(


  3. Definitely fun seeing some of the old crew and meeting a few of you for the first time.


    It was strangely gratifying to plow through bumper-deep snow in a 2WD Buick sedan and then to see some of you posers get your AWD's and 4x4's stuck where I just plowed. Never underestimate a senior citizen in an old Buick. ;)


    And Wonder Fail, did your car even make it halfway across the lot the whole night? You bring shame to the fraternity of FWD. :gtfo:


    Next time we need sleds or an inner tube and a tow rope. :D


    i had a sled/saucer...an a t ow rope...but no one wanted to use it

  4. we were pulling a neon motor while you guys were eating, and then met up for snow fun.. you shouldve come out


    we were in the maroon lifted grand cherokee and had a great time, however the night went like this


    Jeep>snow, ditches, bitches, and fields

    bails of hay>jeep's front bumper

    nice seein gya man its been a while an yea he that bumper got jacked hahah

    fun indeed! I think Ben and I were basically just plowing the roads with the low bumpers ha.

    nice seeing you as well again sir

    Had a great time. I was surprised Paul made it more than 10ft on the pit bike, lol.

    meh his bike is so sketchy



    i got the expedition stuck for about 20 minuites before every one got there in a side parking lot there.... ughh fml haha


    was way too deep for 2wd so sucked so i spent the night being the tow hook bitch haha


    shanton=crazy mother fucker lol almost slid downa hill into a pond


    an there was one part of the snow that was up past my hip that i was trying to walk threw ahhh

  5. You missed me almost get in a fight with some fags in Northface Jackets, They started talking shit. Cause I asked Dover if this was a north face only Taco Bell cause 20 people were wearing them. They Were like the Jacket worked, got your attention... so I said.. the Jacket is to get guys attentions? Ok Fags! Then he got all butt hurt. I told him he was just sad because he bought a Old Navy Fleece for $80 witha different logo on it. So then he asked me if I wanted to go roll around out side. I Said only after I finished my Taco... so I go to fill up my cup, guy says something to Dover, then Dover says that I can handle my self, bitch shut up... Last night was awesome... I hit on a girl, failed so started hitting on her mom lol



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