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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. if you're doing it to store a jetski, why not pour it and call it a "patio"...i know when i was in gahanna, i couldnt put my boat out back on grass, so it had to sit in the driveway, which my parents werent thrilled with.

    yes, but i seriously LOL'd. regardless of the reason why he lives there.

    its not for a jet ski its for the excessive amount of cars that we have at our house.. lol


    I think your best option then would be to make the gate a double door gate so that you can close it and lock it. Then you could throw gravel back there and no one would be the wiser.


    too much work to open an close open close this is mainly for my cars. we have too mant cars at the molment an there are so many people that speed down our quiet street that im afraid one of these days our cars will get hit by one an they woudl take off.

    hmm i wonder how much it woudl cost to throw down some concrete to have that third spot hmm might need to get ahold of mr sam

  2. Why don't you use that money to move out of your parents' house instead?


    Not Brian = Dickhead.


    yea seeing as he has no idea what hes talking about as to why i live there.. :rolleyes:




    hmm i would think the property line woudl be my fence wouldnt it? i wouldnt be going pass the fence at all i was actually going to leave the fence up right there an just take teh gate off so i can store my jet ski back there. hmm

  3. ok so im looking to put in a third parking spot at my house just right next to the blacktop in our drive way or even pushing our fence back a ways an having the spot next to the garage… im not looking to cut up the curb or anything .but does anyone know if this would be to be approved by the city at all? itll be a gravel drive for a temporary time if not just get a paved anyone have any experice with doing this… any rules or permits I need done before I can do this? the only pic I have on hand is this one an it'll be on the other side of the car so in the grass area an go intwords the backyard…



    ugh goodlord i need to seal the driveway

  4. 1. I don't count street racing as real racing. No time slip no care

    2. Yes you made more because I don't treat my car like a skank from a frat party.


    Besides hot lapping sounds like some fort of dirty mexican sex act performed by someone in a Doctor's outfit.

    i bet ive got more time slips from this year then any one on cr too....


    dont be mad because my shit can make that many passses with out breaking a swet. beotchhhhhh :gtfo: lol

    • Upvote 1
  5. so much irony in this.

    oooo ahhh eeee FUCK OFF


    Not everybody thinks it is cool to go out put their lives along with innocent people's live's in dagner by street racing.


    Besides I think I was out doing acutal racing more than you this summer.


    If you don't like this site, the people on it, or what it has become than log off and don't fucking come back. It gets old hearing people whine about the "old days".


    If you don't have the ability to log off shoot me a pm and I will take care of it for you :)


    1 i know for a fact u didnt :ninja: 2...

    20 bucks says i made more passes ... :bangbang:

  6. Cr hasent changed for me.. still the same people online talking about what there GOING to do, an never do it.. cr in the last few years has alwayys been an always will a bunch of peopel who just run there mouth online an not in person its a fact its ok.


    then there are the people who actually do work...


    i wasent aroudn for all the activites you listed above but u know im down no matter what ... even watching ur rx7 put lengths on me haha

  7. lol soooo did he get banned for af ew days or permabanned? i read both?


    tyler your a douche but its ok cause this thread made me laughalso any one have the link for the OR thread that he was in?

  8. I drove one of these cars with a stage 2 upgrade... It moved out very good... If I can find one cheap enough I wouldn't mind having one as a daily...

    o rly.. ive got lightly modded never been raced, garage kept, adult driven never been abused... 04 srt for sale .....










  9. If you're sore you're doing it wrong. For about two weeks do 3-4 sets/15-20 reps of a weight that feels too light just to get your body used to doing shit; you need to build a foundation to work hard on later. If you go balls out right off the bat you're just going to get hurt and frustrated. You can't get diesel overnight.. you probably won't even see results for another month or so and that's only if you stick to it.


    I'm seeing a lot of real technical replies that belong in other threads. I'm far from any kind of physician, but for you (and many others), just fucking doin something is all you need to focus on right now.


    oh no i know im not going all out.. im going very light on this. i just havent been to a gym in over 7 years so im soar lol ughhhh it hurt to wipe my ass this morning :lol:

  10. Make sure you have a well rounded workout schedule too. Dont do bench press, curls, and tricep workouts everyday you go in there trying to boost your self esteem.


    All your going to do is beef up the front of your body and pull your muscles out of wack and next thing you know your having back issues, or one leg shorter than the other due to your muscles being unbalanced.


    Keep your weight down while lifting, have control while your lifting weight.


    Like today I was watching these two kids trying to push 70lb dumbells and only have like a total of six inches movement, what the hell to they think their boosting besides their self esteem?


    Just use common sense and you find what works for you. No one exercise Ive read works for me I take pieces here and there. Take pieces from other people in the gym.


    hes got a work out plan that deals with one day focues on one area then net day the other an so on so on so each week every area gets focued on evenly. an then efter each work out no matter what we do will be hitting the tread mills as well

  11. btw holy crapppp my arms are so soar from workin out that they are stuck in like a L positon. i cant bend them down an lock them at all haha. my buddy is goign to be helping me along this process but sucks cause his work out yesterday consisted of bi/tri cept stuff an holy crap im outta shape .


    but i did run a few miles on teh thread mill an did a dead sprint for 1/2 mile at the end as well ahh i miss running

  12. IB4 Paul


    Wanna race?


    Here is a pic I dug up of his car......




    seen this car off of clevelandracing a few times.. really sharp lookin car. got a mod list of sort for it? track times ?

  13. I only read a few replies but your original post was a huge loaded question that has alot of different answer's honestly. I'll make some quick points.


    I work out at LifeTime Fitness in dublin, its open 24/7 and i pay 49.99/month. Its not far from polaris but unfortunatly its the complete opposite direction than reynoldsburg.


    Stop drinking soda, even the diet shit (which is really just as bad) drink water and if you need something with taste, 100% juicy juice (has no high fructose corn syrup). As for healthy eating alot of it is common sense and common sense will carry you pretty far until you hit your plateau. As for what I like eating, chicken with roasted red potatos and green beans is an average lunch for me and its easy as hell to make.


    Thing i dont get is, at one point in time you were obviously very athletic to be a ranked CC runner, so why not just do what you did when you were running competitively?

    with in 3 weeks notice i had to up an leave california an move to ohio. left my whoel life i had ever known behind... was going threw some depression for a while an just coudl not get back into it.





    But a Question I';m wondering is are you doing this to loose weight or build muscle and cut weight?

    my main concern right nwo is to lose weight... i have gained 23 pounds (all to my gut) since i went form being a waiter to sitting in a cubicle all day long.


    so main goal is to trim down my gut lose a few pounds an i wan tto try to bulk up

  14. 20 weeks of 750 migs of test jump started with sum A bombs and some winny towards the end to finish things off right./ thread!

    in english please

    As long as you know what works for you that's all that matters. But Like I said, start small.


    Oh' and if you start to feel tuff and want to try your hand at a boxing work out, let me know. It will kick your ass and you won't even have to get in the ring :D


    And good luck BTW, as cheesy as it sounds exercise really does make you feel better.


    yea i miss working out. i did my whoel life untill i moved to this shit hole they call ohio :bangbang: took a half day from work an heading to the gym in an hour or so.


    chris btw i have unlimited guest visits too so mabey one time i can get some pointers from u... an then cheap shot you an knock your ass out hahaha

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