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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. U got no Idea.




    Fuck a parking lot 60mph+ drifting back and fourth on 71 across all four.



    I may have not have mad tight skillz but I can drive the fuck outta my jeep.


    I think preston might have been driving he was so scared...

    oh i dont doubt u dont have skillz but ajs just sorta crazy. lol an he teh raining drag champion. scotty u gonna beat him this year?


    i should be there


    god please tell me your brining your mazda lol

  2. I will have a crew of elite bad mother fuckers in my crew, Party rockKrew that i9s, We will have my jeep and blue machs suburban.


    Ken block aint got shit on this straight 6....



    BTW I gots a camera and a light. and no the footage wo0nt be up till waaaaay later in the snow season.


    damm you have been out in that thing like everynight this week haha

  3. First of all i now understand my intro was kinda shitty. Second of all everyone and there mother are working on mustangs and other popular stuff like that. How many people do you know with a 1700lb geo with a 300hp 4cyl in it?? If that ever comes together it will be a ooak and i will be able to do circles around your v8 mustangs. I dont care if it is a stupid idea or not. I dont want to have what everyone else has. The whole point of this site is to show off and talk about CUSTOM cars or creations you have made. Am i right? Anyone can go out and buy a stang with a 5.0 or a 4.6 in it then hit up jegs for parts. I cant find one person that has a 1992 geo metro with a motor swap and work done to it. I got the car for FREE why not make it something cool?


    Looks like we got another dreamer here :jerkit: come back when u finish ur car. ill gladly walk you in a slow pos neon.

  4. we have a spot that we went to last year aslong as there isn't any trucks in the lot.

    there isant wen tback a few days ago.

    Aj is it close?

    yes 6 minuitres from taylor rd

    I may come to watch but if nobody else is bringing anything else fun I aint neither other than what their driving.

    just bring ur blazer thing ya panzy

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