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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. That's all I get? How informational, where's the emotion? The excitement? Fuck you Paul!


    well the Friday night sessions are sweet because not as many people so its kidna cool like WOOOOOOO WOOOOOOOo. the day is more fun because more of a family time so they can be LAMEEEEEE an SWEEEETTTTTTT at the same time. mad rivers skis are mehhhh they are ok only good thing about them is they use a brand called head. sooo u could say you got head at MrM AWESOME!!!!..


    any more emotion you neeed gumbe?

  2. His insurance.


    I believe it turned out the car owner (his daughter) did not have insurance so his policy with Nationwide had to kick in and they accepted liability. This gives me even more reason to believe they don't want to pay me shit since the first two weeks after the wreck was just Nationwide trying to get out of assuming liability altogether.


    ahh so it was there fault... hsi insurance is paying but not to what the car shoudl be worth. sounds like you need to tell them you are thinking of lawyer ing up due to this. its nto your fault this persol totaled your car which to you was worth way more an you cant buy that car again duye to it being yours. if it wasent fo rthat person you woudl still have your car. tell them to make it right or you will persue furthur legal actions ectect

  3. Sucks man. U guys r missing the point.


    His car might be worth x amount of money. But if this other driver never would of caused his accident then hebwould still have his car. Its not his fault somedbag wrecked his stuff. Why should he settle onsomething ?


    Is this. The drivers insurance screwing u around or yours?

  4. you know most parking lots are plowed by now?


    Maybe tomorrow night would be better, that way we can drift around sam


    this man plows for a living im sure hes got some fun secret spots open that are good lol



    if i wasent goign to to the bar ide be in have fun man

  5. we should also snow board this week or weekend. i bet tomorrow would be awesome on the slopes if they get snow.


    IM GAME THIS WEEkend. they went back to normal hours during the week so they close at 930 an i work till 9 so weekend would be best for me but im game any time just hit me up



    anyways back to the matter at hand who wants to go get a few drinks

  6. How many days a week do you drink? Everyday on your facebook you talk about drinking.. I think we need to talk about this Paul...


    Sometime I go months with out drinking sometimes I go out a few times a week depends on how I'm feeling I suppose.


    This week is I want to get out of the house relax an have a few casual drinks with good company.


    I'm not going out to get smashed if u must know.

  7. Tonight crown sports bar in Reynoldsburg off of main street 6493 EAST MAIN STREET, REYNOLDSBURG (in between taco bell an jegs if you pass jegs u went too far) going to relax at the bar have a few drinks , maybe play some pool. your welcome to join in for a few relaxing drinks




  8. NATE DAWG!!!!



    He also has a snowboard.


    Same nate from when I went boarding with u guys?


    Welcome man nice truck any expected time when it will be back on the road

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