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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. lol wernt they susposed to release this game liek 2 or 3 years ago... now all they have is demos. shoot forza has brought out two games since there last gt.


    dont get me wrong i lived an loved Gt growing up but come on really?


    hope u guys get it soon so i can play it but untill then ill be enjoying playing my forza 3 :)

  2. Snow trails sucks its just a straight line down no curves it sucks ass I would not recomend going there


    Mad river sucks but atleast there trails wind an turn. I went the snow trails once it was that bad


    An yes places that rent. U get the board boots an bindings


    I would highly recommend going to mad river over snow trails

  3. anymore of these comming up soon? I just bought a fun trail/mud truck and its reliable enough to drive up to cbus w/ my 4wheeler in the back so i'll be bringing double win


    robs ass rides out there daily lol im sure he will have another day here soon what truck did u get? do you have a winch? now that its gettin winter no ones brining there fun trucks back ther an rogbs 2wd truck aitn shit back there if u get stuck haha

  4. Said the person who talks to people all day and probably yelled at 98% of the time. After a year I would be pissed as well. There is a point when you have to stop being nice. I give them one week from an accident date to have my check in hand. After that,,,,,, well, there never has been an after that.


    Getting angry to something trying to help you on the phone or in person doesn't make the process any easier.


    If it doesnt, your doing it wrong. I agree this is not the case with people who happen to be in another state, however I very rarely deal with any company with which I dont have a local go to person when I have issues. I give them the opportunity to help me, its when the opportunity is lost that I step in and handle the situation. I dont get dicked around by any company or business for very long.


    When I was on the phone and someone got rude/angry with me, their chances of getting anything done dropped considerably. You can resolve things in a nice manner, being a dick just makes people want to put that much less effort into helping you.


    It sounds like you think of yourself as very important when it comes to dealing with anyone. You do realize that often times the highest person in the room isn't going to talk to you, right? You realize that you are not special to the people you're talking to, right?


    You sound like the kind of customer that everyone hates to deal with.




    i understqand yea your the customer an all an i agree but when you call say the customer serviec line youl most likely get a person that you have never spoken to an has no idea whats going on. if your a dbag to this random person jsut doing there job then fuck off i can udnerstand if youve been dealign with john smith for the last year who knows whats going on an is the direct person who is holding you up then yea i might be a little more stern


    but a random person u called has no idea an in a split second has to read threw an try to famalarize there self with your ssuitation. this person has no ties to you an will try to help the best they can do with such short notice if they cant help you to your standards then simply an nicely aske to speak to a higher up but dont be a dick done be rude there ust doing there job.


    treat others how you want to be treated. if you want to call in being a total asshole then you can best belive that ill do it back wont help you worth crap an send you packing

  5. in theory saying in theory over an over again past the first post is fucking retarted. fucking nut swingers


    sucks the gingers cars being a pain. just do a sick burn out in it when its done haha

  6. I could possibly be down for this weekend as well. Anyone wanna car pool? I have my own gear but no season pass...when's the best time/cheapest, lol.

    skimadriver.com... then prices .... you lazy man

    Let me know when you're going this weekend. ;)
    friday after work 9 to 330am(i belive midnight madness starts friday) saturday 1pm or later or sunday... or all i dont care
  7. Fucking idiot




    sooo you went an saw a car before really looking at it.. yea its rainy an in a field well drive that pos to a garage or a gas station dam under a tree or somethign.


    awd.. no wait FWD ..+dsm=double fail an ulta lulz hahahaha wow.....

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