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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. I know everyone is being mj but im thinking about being him from the beat it vid. Jacket shirt and all


    you an every one else :jerkit: i love mj but holy hell hes going to be played out this halloween.

  2. I didnt get a chance to mess with any of your buildings. I have destroyed a few people. There was someone making 150 million a day that I completely wiped out. They quit playing about 4 days ago. No activity at all.


    My highest account brings in almost 400 million a day. Right now I am placing 15 million dollar houses trying to get to level 5. I want a monopoly tower.


    :eek: yea i think when i get a 500k buidling up im baller... i fail uberly

  3. omfg paul....all i can say is your not afraid to get ur ass handed to ya.....takes balls i guess.....


    lifes to short to sit around an bench race plus why buy a car to enjoy an not enjoy... oh an what makes u thuink ill get my ass handed to me... uve never seen my car out an about( mabey at last track day but made 3 passes an took it home due to the clutch an peggin lean) :)

  4. Your clutch slips, stfu.


    Want to race a running, boosted, fresh-clutched, completely paid off SC300? :nod:


    clutch slippage an all im not worried about a little fbody :bangbang:

    an im sure as hell not worried about a little sc with a ginger driving it



    nice rides man

  5. They need to build a garage on the flat lot across the stret from the current one. Luckily night classes there is all sort of parking, but my class at 1 I do not look foreward too, my biggest thing are the fucking motorcycles that park in the regular lot, they have their own damn parking in 3 different lots that are NEVER full.


    since when did they have these? i do this at work park in a spot but i also park so that 3 other bikes are able to park there as well so we share a parking spot.


    an shut ur pie hole bikes are vehiclees as well an have every right to park in a parking spot lol


    I actually look forward to some good snowfall, because then I park on top of the giant snow plow piles in the truck that most people can't get on/off of :).


    I too would enjoy a parking solution, if there is a secret.


    muahaha i hope one day you park up on a sno pile an it has a freak heat wave an melts the snow on one side an your truck tips over :bangbang:






    ps: i used to park half way up butt the weight of my expedition usualy just fell threw an ide be stuck in the snow pile no fun in 2wd

  7. this doesn't count as poopin in my FS thread?


    no sorry. there are times when things go for sale that are just sooo extremly lame that its gotta be commented on lol.


    goodluck with your sale but some one on here tryed to sell afew wow so lame "wow" accounts an never sold. might try egay c-list or that site that u said that deaks with sellin these things.

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