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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. hi guise. whats happening in this threadz?


    nothing really. some punk kid scared of a neon an claims every one hese talked to(which still has yet to post who he talked to) that i dont race :jerkit: lol yea i dont race and then he blew up his motor ahahahahaha

  2. Firstly, you live in Grovetucky. Cut the trailer park bullshit.




    "Oh wait, that's already be voted as true."


    I don't see anything that isn't spelled correctly there??? Just some broken sentence, akin to something Paul would post. Maybe you're the one that needs to figure out what word comprehension is.


    Fuck Dick Rod and all his cronies.


  3. i know its public parkin on the street and all. but were you (i know its a duplex) on his side of the house on the street i always hated peopel parking rigth in front of my house cause thats usually where i park
  4. Is that even possible? Erasers cause friction which would cause me to roll/sprain my ankle.



    well then i hoe you roll/ sprain your ankle off tht erason. (i inflict pain in a small slow process. its more of an annoyance then anything haha)

  5. I liked this web site back when I used it...I stopped posting because of douche bags like 04srturbo.....I was going to post pics.. I just havent yet. I dont care how fast a neon is...because at the end of the day it is still a neon. So maybe get up and out of your moms basement and get a life. So why not just tell people"hey man post some pics" you don't need to act like a dick and be rude.


    awww you got butthurt by what some one said over the internet? cause you cant follow simple an clear instructions? lol wow, oh an gooood one "grrr grr grr you drive a neon, at the end of the day its still a neon waa waaa waaa"


    thats cool for a second there i forgot what i drove, hey man thanks for the reminder. :gtfo:

  6. yea I know but there is I bet 4k in the 110. Im really not trying to sell but I just have them here and would sell. My last 110 sold for $4500 :-)
    haha dang!


    I have a '98 CR80 totally rebuilt with new tires........$600

    sorry looking for a pit bike. 50 size

  7. Still funny that people who haven't been around that long, look at the pickles join date, talk so much shit. Maybe it's time to realize that you guys weren't even driving when we were out actually racing. This is getting old.


    ooo... so he joined in may of 2004.... it says he last posted in well may of 2004..... sooo join date or not he hasent contributed any effort what so ever to cr in years. I did try to help the guy an give him pointers but if he doestn want to take advice then ahh well

  8. then trade in your anti floating device that you wont be able to wave on a short while


    I have a fully built 110 that I would want to get $2800 out of, its a 143cc, complete race head, cam, vm26 mikuni, ktm 65 forks(marzocchis) brembo on the front, my suspension setup I make on the rear, a lot done


    I have somewhere around 2002-4 50 (dont remember the year), 88cc race head setup(big valve setup), cam, carb, +2" aluminum swingarm, 27mm front forks, aluminum clamps, tall bars, billet throttle, cradle, peg mount kit, etc I would want $1400 out of that. I do have a manual clutch setup as well for it not install Ill throw in.


    Danng I can buy a full size. Bike for that price lol. Goodluvck with ur sale. Looking to buy a stocker.

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