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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. Maybe where you live they are 100ft before the intersections...In West Carrollton where I live they are right in front of the interstections. I've spend $400 this year on these fucking things. There's one on every intersection and every once in awhile you slip up. You say "Don't speed, don't granny stop when turning right on red, don't speed up to get thru a yellow light"...but everybody does it once in awhile. That's the bullshit with these cameras, you forget once and you get fucked. It's not like granny stopping when turning right on a redlight is going to kill anybody. What happens when it snows? When that happens the goal is NOT to completely stop or you'll get stuck...well guess everybody's fucked when that happens.


    400$ so how many times did you do it? lol i can understand a slip it once cause well shti happens any time after 1 time your just a dumb ass.


    i got one about two years ago an been good ever since


    lol 400$ in those things hahah

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