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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. No wasent my friends they were all hammered so I was watching them all night.


    Just left the police station they said it was froma. A slim jim. An showed me where part of the trim was pulled back to get it in there. :( there is notnhing the police can do as well.


    An I just remembered I left a checkbook in there. Ahhhhh this uber sucks

  2. So I'm on vacation(as u can tell I haven't been post whoring the shit outta cr haha) in sandiego


    Well me an a few friends to go this club last night. Park my RENTAL carin a nice parking lot with security... well I come back after having an amazing time to my friend not able to fond here purse in the car. I figured she was drunk. But then I started looking for my phone charger. An my power inverter for my sig lighter. Gone good look for my camera ...gone. go loook for my laptop goneeee an last but not least 400 buks goneeee(I had it stashed in the seat like physically in the crack where u can't see it) an her purse was gone. An they alreaddy used the card like 5 tjmes. But we got that cancelled an refunded.



    No broken windows, no broken locks. An yes I did lock the car like 5 times cause I hate leaving my car un attented.



    Ahhh fuck theives totally ruinin my vacation. Ahhhhhhhh



    Btw flippen. Rental car is a turddd pt cruisers are slowwww as hell its officially the pt-loser

  3. It gives you access to the phones root folder, so you can do with it pretty much whatever you want, first of all it unlocks multitouch so you can zoom like the iphone does by pinching. You can do other things like overclock the phone, run different ROMS and themes. Seen the new HTC Hero? You can run its version of android, or like me, run a theme by using the Android Developers Phone ROM that makes it look like the hero, and use the music and camera app from the Hero. You can also take screenshots of your phone.


    This explains it:


    How to do it:


    This is what I'm running





    wow that was a whole lot of nerd term lingooooo haha ill have to watch the videos to understand wtf you just said lol

  4. if you go to iron pony you can get a SNELL approved helment for cheap. last time trails checked


    you might be able to find some closeout prices at iron pony.com


    if nto when you get the the track find some one witha snell approved helmet an tech in with that heltmet ab then give it back an jhsut your yours

  5. Hey buddy... it's spelled Arica! And IDK because Brandi said she's busy Friday so wants to go out Saturday. Ahhhhh fuckin up my plans. Saturday night it is.


    P.S. There's a video on youtube of Paul strokin he chin meat. :D


    wtf? link?

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