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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. This thread is full of wieners. Paul Dover Brandon Phil guy on the 750. You guys make this thread worth reading. Thanks. Talk more shit to each other for my ammusment.


    hey why dont you log off an go hit vtec or something

  2. Hummm, just post some pics of your car and some details about yourself and try not loose your cool. It's goanna be tuff at this point, but MAYBE...just MAYBE people will forget about your first attempt and let you in. Good luck


    your cars are slow :lol:

  3. Back again hoping for some + reps.

    What is the best, most effective way to get through the door?


    lol for you youll never get in . ide log out make a new screen name an try again. with out FAIl this time post up a bunch of pics how you foudn out about this site. tons of info abou toyur car an your self an MABEY if your not a dbag youll get in. doubtfull though

  4. Ive got a sony ericson t610 for a tmobile phone. was an amazing phone i just dont use it any more an it just sits as a back up phone just incase my g1 dies. but i dont need need it any more. it does has a black case with flames on it i dont belive i have the plain case any more ill have to look 10 bucks $$$$$

    here are some info about it. amazing small camera phone





  5. hell yeah you would have a chance... my girls sebring can beat me in street tires from light to light...LOL


    o rly.... well if your around we ar ehaving a private track rental at trails on the 18th of september 31 bucks to run. we coudl get a few runs in on street tires... then you can put your drag radials or slicks on an then destroy me haha

  6. i dont talk any shit, nor will i brag, i just get it done guys. maybe i would win maybe not, but it will be fun as hell!!


    lol its cool i just talk smack cause 90% of this bored is all keyboard warriors. but ide love to get a dig race off with you . my car puts down 280/337 an uve defentally got me out powered. but i might have a chance if we both were on street tires :bangbang:

  7. Nice car man, I will be pushing 500 with my new setup so I'll be more of a challenge then paul or Jeff lol. I was looking at the borg warner s366 to make some serious power on the big end.

    not cool man not cool lol

    Since Paul wont do it cause he found a new buttbuddy...


    So how would you like to get dragged around by an a4? haha

    ill drag this fucker around from a dig :) or atleast try my srts got half the power he has too

    quoted for truth.

    you fail get your pos running before you speak again.

    Paul take note.. this guy has the power to backup any shit talking he does lol!


    Welcome :D

    lol i back up ym shit talking... when have i ever backed down ? SHIT I RACED YOU BEFORE!!!

  8. Once you go turbo you will never go back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    The way a turbo V8 car pulls feels almost as good as a fine piece of ass.


    you sure you remeber how that feels? seeing as you dont get yourturbo cars out much :cool:

  9. I hope to be there if not pour a cup out for your missing homie?


    looks like ill be missing this again. I doubt there room for my truck with 2 car trailer there.

    pssss im sure you could plus it woudl be bad ass cause now youve got two cars to show plus the bad assness of a two car trailer...






    sadly i wont be making this eathier i fly out for vacation tomorrow an ill be on a beach sipping some thign in the am rather then standing in a parking lot :)

  10. How the fuck does she have positive rep? A guy would come here, with the fastest car in the world but has a sticker on it that no one likes and gets banned. A chick come in here who knows nothing about cars, refuses to post pics of any kind, and you guys approve.




    dont feel bad i -repped her before i even saw if there was pics cause of the horrible into lol oops

  11. Mopar is way to stupid for me, too many drunk rednecks and a handful of some of the shitty people that live over there. Had a bad experience last year, probably will not return.


    pussy........ :bangbang: mabey you shouldnt bring out a ricebox import to a mopar show... lol i never seem to have any issues in my "neon"

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