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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. This coming from the person who wants to be called to go to this? You need to check that Cali tude at the door Mister you ain't no rock star on CR :p


    please i am a rock star. i even hada body guard comin into columbus.

    (my connecting flight from cali was to atlanta first an i happen to have teh SAME exact flight as the head jew master anthony small work eh ha)

  2. you can use mine if i get to take the t/a while youve got my truck!


    unless its still a broke ass hunk of junk...then nevermind


    Its still a broke down piece of shit.



    Brandon u can use my ranger. But ull have to fred flinstone it to stop lol.

  3. so... why did you have all that valuable stuff in your rental? why not leave it at your hotel room or wherever you were staying?

    I was going from one friends house to another that night.

    I was going to ask this as well.....


    I guess this just proves that Paul really IS simple....




    F off.

  4. you drove your car all the way to san diago? holy shit

    No sorry I ment to type this was my ptcruiser rental care. Fuck driving alll the way to sandiego hahaha



    Damn! That would ruin my vacation too!

    Yea its a really shitty suitation .

    damn paul that sucks...cancel everything!

    more like a wonder bar.

    Yea I've got my bank knowing about it luckily I had all my cards/id with me.

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