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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. Whats your phone #

    2215445 why?

    What goes around comes around. :asshole:

    pssss dont be cranky!

    just send them texts with your horrible grammer and then they will be thoroughly annoyed

    greg i will kill you the next time i see you


    I'm sure that someone out there has written a script that exploits this website.

    hmm thanks ill try this out


    My first thought.


    you drive a girly mr2 shut your pie hole

  2. Ah so you big pussy, I come over fix your car, and then you proceed to make excuses.


    Paul's car is fixed and wouldn't put up, so he needs to shut up.


    lol my car is back up an running thanks for the wonderfull scotty but the panzie wouldnt race me the same race where i beat him(street tire to street tire). so why waste my gas when i know he will destroy me!! . ill leave it at this.. your car is SOOOO much quicker then mine its not even a challenge but thats with dragradials. street tires i still think ive got you.


    but thall race will never happen so we wil ljust leave it at that i guess but thansk again


    back on topic fbodys are big heavy slow turds

  3. pics? someone tried to fix a exhaust leak on the driver side of mine and it rattles on the underbody... so i jsut want a stock one so it doesnt rattle and annoy the piss outta me anymore :)


    the man jsut offerd to give it to you for free. now you rmaking him do work an go get pics... psssh ide raise the price for this. ITS FREE go get the dang thing if ti doesnt work you spent 4 dollars in gas wooptie dooo :gtfo:

  4. Ummmm, my normal street tires are on it. The car is in Delaware, shall I go pick it up to walk your ass? :D


    sure why not. ill put my car on a trailer an we can race it... but i planon working on it tonight if i can get my sweet shop light to go all the way out to the street lol

  5. Paul fix your car before you start talking shit again, mines ready, so when ever.

    psssssh my cars already fixed...an by fixed i mean not running(changed the coilpack...wasent it ahh well) but your going down

    I'm starting a "Get Paul an F-body Fund".. who's in? I figure if we raise enough money he will no longer have to live with Lsx envy :lol:
    hahaha i like it, but your still too slow, step it up



    on topic ummm your cars are too heavy an slow that is all

  6. me?


    DAmmit. i had a feeelign right as i posted that you were lurking the forums. ok ill race you.....throw some street tires on that turd of yours (no drag radials no slicks) an we can have some fun :bangbang:

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