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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. I'm going to stick my nitrous line up your ass next time you bring this up. :eek:

    bring what up? btw im fully aware your going to kick my ass this weekend. so i might as well jsut poke the bear....





    LOLZ you two should move into together it would be a great sitcom.


    Besides I still owe you a cheeseburger paul for beating me up at 42 since we were racing for them.


    As for bar crawls they are ok but they are not car events, they are drinking events two very different things.

    mm cheeesseeburgggerrrr

    You get paid to be a keyboard jockey, not to mention I haven't seen your car in almost a year.


    Wait... i do get paid to be a keyboard jockey hehe


    And if you wanna see the car you can come see it nothing speacial it sits most action it gets is me parking lot pimping in my complex :lol:


    thsi is true. 2 weeks ago when i picke dhis broke ass up to take him to work there were cob webbbs on the tires... wtf

  2. Got this from another forum and thought it'd be fun....


    Air your vehicular forbidden loves. Not something we all know we'll never afford or find but somehting you could go on ebay, autotrader, cycletrader, etc and purchase right now that you would catch grief for buying. Maybe you've been a Mustang guy your whole life but want a mopar....


    Mine would be.


    A Mini Cooper





    Or an SRT-4... I mean Neon.


    hell if you want you can drive mine. you can even race it if you wanted. i dont care ask anyone ha




    audi tt

    or a turbo bug:bangbang:

  3. Im no keyboard jockey!!!!

    your jus homo thas all

    Again, if you don't like it don't go. Wagner and I would like to get out of our houses and do something, no matter how dumb you think that is. You or anyone else wants to go out drinking and do bar crawls be my guest, I'm not going to give you shit about it, just cause I'm past the point in my life where I don't feel like dealing the consequences of drinking all night.


    If you want to have a pissing match I've got all day so whatever.


    lol calm down captain kangaroo i said on the first page how lame an gay it is an that ill see you guys there an be lamnne an gay with you guys

  4. the weather gods are with us today its cloudy here in polaris but the suns starting to show threw. weather.com shows cloudy till 2 then its gonanbe sunny with mid 70s should be good weather see you guys out there il be there about 5
  5. Hard to find "good" places anymore since everybody that likes to play F&F has given the "scene" here a bad name ;)

    we live our life one sonic at a time...

    This coming from the guy with a penis car in his sig, I don't see you trying to do anything but you're so quick to knock others efforts :gtfo:

    oooo yay were going to go stand in a parking lot an bs for 4 hours.... hell go race carts at magic mountin or somethign... im sure youde get more people


    ever wonder why so many people go out for the prk22 events. cause its not stading around with a bunch of dudes.. in a parking lot. make it more interesting then standing aroudn an im sure alot more of these "keyboard jockeys" would come out more. sorry but im over the standing in a parking lot scene so you :gtfo:




    an only reason why im posting this is cause of your lame ass sig :bangbang:







  6. Can you take a pic of what you actually have? model numbers?


    this is my only camera so i cant take a pic of a camera with my camera lol. its 100% like the one in the pics no dents no dings no cracks . all three 52mm filets are great my scratches on the lens's. i think theres s scratch of the flash piece but doesnt affect anything


    not sure what you mean by model numbers? its the ae-1

  7. true btu the tl100r has got MOREEEEE then enough power an for your size of a guy the bigk will feel comfortable. problem witht ehnew liter bikes they feel so skinny to me an not in a comfortable way
  8. always seemed like a big ass bike to me


    vtwin 135hp hasa great top end power (usually vtwins ahve great down low)


    weights in at a 434


    suspossedly there was a instability issue that slowsuzki said they fixed but al my buddys that rode them always said they just felt a little off. other then that good bike

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