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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. true. an its some peoples preference weather they want to or not. in ohio its not the law.


    i know most people know yea it coudl save your life. but the same as people who dont wear seatbelts, people that have a few beers an drive, people that street race. every one knwos the dangers. an its up to THEM to make there own decesion, not for YOU to(untill it becomes a law)

  2. excessive pedal travel can be cuased by worn parts, air in the lines, improperly adjusted drum brakes(i don't think that one applies to you), and fluid leaks

    ive got rotors al the way. ill check the brake pads tomorrow. an last i checked the reservoir was full so nto sure of any leaks

  3. wheel bearing tight? if the rotor is moving it will cause this.

    meh not sure lol i need to go to the dealer an get those parts unless advanced carries the crap i need to fix that.... :p do you know if they do?


    He needs pads! I've told him this already! He said he hasn't replaced the pads or nothing since he's had it iirc

    ive changed them sinc eowning it. its just been a long time lol


    illl check it this weekdnd . anything specific to look out for while doing this?

  4. Its a neon :idunno




    this neons gonna walk that broke down dsm of yours :)


    Did you crack the brake lines for any reason? Air?

    nope havent touched it anything to affect it . this happened a little before track day an just forgot about it .

  5. ok so just got my srt back up an running(no issue to teh car it was my fault in a part i installed) anyways well i got the car running up a few days



    well after gettin it fixed i noticed my break peddle goes 3/4 the way down before it starts to apply bbreaking pressure. an i have dramatically less breaking power. what coudl be causing this? bad brake master cylender?? pads rotors? the rotors seem fine an smooth i havent checked the pads yet but there isant any metel to metel contact sound (useed to hearing when pads are almost gone)


    there is a tiny squeek while moving on the right front while cruising but thats it.



    any insight?

  6. Hey Rob

    Feeling all froggy and giddie after Paul LOL

    me? huh

    All yeah , although i like Paul and really did not care to race him but he wanted to...


    This worthless peace of shit gearhead on the other hand i dislike and is proving to be the pussy i said he was a couple years back on the old ODRA site...


    hmm if your talking about me i dont thin ive met you buy hi? haha



    ill run your shitin my slow neon just cause well ill race anythign lol ...is this the impalla that dipped into the 10s? i think i remeber when you first signed up..

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