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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. it should be at the marina but theyre too poor to buy a slip. so it would need to be launched, easy peasy


    well come on out then. ill be oin my white an green jet ski.. you cant miss the gotee, an every one else seems to be 50/50 at the molment... most people dont chime in they jstu show so ill check my cr from ym phone from time to time

  2. ya know what, i got some computer work to do for some guy and if i can get done before 7 ill definately go. paul you wanna get smoked by a 460 ford engine?


    bring it bitch...that is is mommy an daddy will let you take there boat out :p

  3. Do you love me?

    do you think you can learn to love me?

    Its creamy

    mmm creamy bailys


    hha i foudn this like 8 months ago its amazing i watch it a few times a week to keep my spirit up in ym cube at work haha



    "every drunk bailys from a shoe? ever come to a club were people like we weee on eachother?"


    " you dont know know what i got. you see that...


    thats old gregs vaagina.... i GOT A mangina... IM OLLLL GREGGGGGGGGG" hahahahhahahahah

  4. I am 50/50 on being there. I got get my truck bearing replaced while I am working so if it is done in time which i think it will be i should be there. Prolly wont be till 630 or so though.

    Cool man possibly see u out there


    Well it looks like andrews boats gonna be full tomorrow so there should be. Atleast 8 people there tomorrow easy wooo

  5. Alum creek is tiny. Is it that hard to find each other? And what do you guys do play tag in a circle? Oh and where the fuck is the rain right now, I could be out on the water now but the wife didnt want to camp because it was suppose to storm tonight.


    its not hard to find us but last time we sat in a cove swimming an bsing for an hour at the very back of the lake. soo haha


    well andrews boat theres wakeboading.


    sams boat is a dance floor is seems


    an usualy we just run flat out an race or jsut diddle around preety much lol

  6. bump for tomorrow. if your going post here so the usual people know to wait for you at some point.


    im sure sam shaton an andrew are going on the boats

    chris possibly on his slow asss rxp (haha j.k)

    me on my race ski.... minus the race part of it ha


    ill be there about 445 dicking around.


    so if your thining of going post here if not you cant miss sams white an blue boat blaring old school music. shanton taking pictures on a camera in andrews boat(old school baja brownishh) an then a few jet skis. stay safe people

  7. Quit shittin in this mans for sale thread


    im sure you coudl get a mach or a cobra for the same price wooptie but this gt is built nicely an you will pay the inshurance of a base gt instead of a mach or cobra. an youll have a great performance car



    the mans trying to look out for his family guys. goodluck with the sale man

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