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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. maybe you should buy one, its the cool thing to do.

    ...dam your an idiot lol

    wtf lol what happened to you last nite bishes?
    party hard im assuming. after he left the lake with us they all went an got shit faced it appears.
  2. How many of these noobs actually keep posting after their intro? 1%? 2%? It's not even worth me welcoming them anymore. I think the last noob I welcomed who actually kept contributing good shit was kevin r. and that was like 90 years ago.




    100% agree. there wil lbe a select few who will keep posting but most everyone else will join an then lurk an never contribute to cr... ahh well im sure there slow as hell anyways :bangbang:

  3. Best thing that could happen to that area of town is a good old fashioned California type wild fire.

    im from california, an one of the wildfires tore threw my aunts house destroying the whole house an leaving her with severe burns that have have left scars on a good portion of her lower body you asshole :mad:



    when i saw you posting this first thought crap linn tryed some one to the copy machine for 20 bucks. lol

  4. That sounds pretty reasonable. So whats the first mod?

    Honestly not sure I donyt know what people do to mod these things. I'm sure shanton an chris(I drive it breaks) will help me mod it haha


    An jones that's with rebuild yes.

  5. so ive had the dirt bikse the quads the trucks the "fast cars" the sport an cruiser bikes but never had a water toy of my own. untill last weekend picked up a yamaha waverunner xl1200 3 seater. has 0 hours on a freshly rrebuilt motor an carbs wooo


    i will be taking it out to alum creek tonight. an will be making a trip to dirty buckeye lake an i was told the ohio river is a fun area.


    here are sme pics:










    a botom shto

  6. I know he's not a sponser on here but oh well stev took my expedition in an I hate taken it to random people cause they aren't carefull at all . But steve seemed to go outta his way to be gentle. This isant the first time steve has done this eathier. On my srt I had just got my rims painted an I needed a tire mount.ed he did his best to go get it on with out nicking the paint. Thanks again wonderbro.
  7. I've loaded up at 3 am many many times.


    but not im your gimp status :bangbang:


    so who is in for tomorrow besides shanton an I? the weather stated it was suspe to rain all day as well an well look out side its blue skies with coulds nice out. hopefully tomorrow will be the same ill be going up a litttle before 7 so i can get some break in time on the jet ski. im probably aiming for around 3 or 4 ish

  8. I just saw 7pm, how late do you guys stay out?


    latest we can. chris said we have to be off 30 minuites before sun down..


    but it all depends if shanton wants to Pull a boat across the lake that was broken down :bangbang:


    wooo my jet skis done my jet skis doneee

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