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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. anyone who works at chase polaris i started and what time do you all go to lunch and which wing? I hate eating by myself lol.


    lol yea it sucks just find the hottest chick in there shes usually feel the same way. hit it up. i know that me an brandon(liviathan) take ours at 5-6 an "notbrian" takes his i belive at 530 or 6. but i belive you work days. so your screwed lol

  2. I have a question.


    My mother's lease on her murano is up in a few months and she is about 12000+ miles over on her lease. Shes contemplating buying the truck when the lease is up, so how would this effect the charges? Do they wave them if you finance the car? Can she just roll them into the finance package?


    She's knows nothing about cars, financing or leasing, and isn't the brightest bulb in the box.


    IS YOUR MOM A TARD? 12 thousand miles over? lol do you know how many cents over for every mile she signed for?


    edit: that might of been mean/truthfull sorry

  3. whats the number to the courts or does anyone know how much the fees will be


    ive got the list of all the tickets out there at home( got pulled over a few weeks ago) ill text you when i get home with it. an the number... what court is it for?

  4. he's a CR Whore as well... look at his post count and he's not even been a member 2 years...


    9 hours a day of people yelling at you over the phone. i get bored an old cr is my entertainment. an post whoring aside i do alot for the forum. on here an at events . now back to the craigslist ads haha

  5. oh wow oh wow ive got my cell phoen for cell on there for 40 some one instaly sets up a time. deal well i get anohter email i tell em its sale pending there response. "tell them you acdentally took a shit on it an ill give you 70 for it" ahahahahahaha
  6. did it state you were requied to go to court or were you able to jsut pay the ticket? i doubt the judge is gonna move if they claim you were going a 100... lol ide pay it an take it as it is cause youll pay more in the end if you try to fight it,
  7. ok so ive got a ton of adds up on craigslist cause im selling all sorts of crap. alot of it car parts from my srt4 that i parted out last year. well i get a email asking what parts i have ect. well i stated i have the shift assembly fully intact. well i get an email back stating "is that shifter you have the one that goes in the car?" where else would a shifter go.... lol


    and another one i have a person wanting to buy my exhaust that ive got for sale. person says well i can come on saturday. i advsied i cant guarantee it wont sel before the weekend first come first serve cash is gold. there response is "great i will see you saturday if you can tell people its sold cause i want it il see you then" ahh people suck.


    also any one know how many adds you can post on craigslist? i feel as if ive done liek 15 in a week? lol

  8. Welp first 100 miles on the bike are always a good one. Got a 100 in a 65 today over in sweet speed trap at Easton on 270. It says he has me paced at 100 but I never saw him behind me. At most I was doing 75 because just before him I saw his buddy on a bike lasering people so I slowed down. He than came roaring up on me with his lights on and I pulled over. He says he paced me doing 100 (bullshit). My court date is on the 26th. How good are my chances of fighting this and winning. I showed him my Mil ID and my Police card my mom gave me since she is a cop. Fucking highway partol can suck my dick. Any advice here would be greatly appreciated. What is the find for 35 over anyway?


    it should say on the envelope they gave you mabey no envelope due to having to appear in court) i belive that 35 over is condidered reckless operation. whats your preveious record look like?you can try to plead down to a lesser sentence if you agree to pay the full amount of fines?


    your moms a cop ask her genious


    edit: nice way to break in a busa lol

  9. Not gonna lie, I don't know what this hwilli person has.... but I'm betting on the silver car.... all day.



    tt supra( i belive stock twins i could be wrong) bolt ons an a little giggle juice mmm but the car sees the street about 4 times a year lol it was at the fall track day last year i belive. as well as the kilkare event we had.


    Dig with you driving for a grand.


    ouch witht he knock out. alex your cars bad ass btu howards had his car for 10 years an he can flat out drive the car(when the cars not being dumb) so my money woudl be on howard

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