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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. big hole in cab...check

    most of the dash piece's missing check.


    you have been approved to hang out with paul...

    psssh i dont have a hold in the cab.(it might not be connected to the frame but no hole) an my dash is 100% complete bitch gotta love a winter beater!!

  2. Do you ever drive your own cars to events? :D


    Notice this shot from the 5/30 meet...mysteriously my M3 was there but I was not.



    HA. A couple people actually asked if I was you.



    I've been to 3 out of the 4 events and driven a different car each time. I was honestly thinking about continuing to borrow cars and drive my wife's car and the truck...I think I wouldn't have to drive the same car twice until September 19th.


    so what's the 996 doing this Saturday morning? :D


    thats just funny hahaha

  3. Gearhead.


    x2 his family has a buisness dedicated to this type of work. an has great deals an specials. i belive he posted about it in the speedshop. if not jsut pm him an he can get you hooked up

  4. Its not that I dislike the keyboard really I guess, its just different. Im awaiting the onscreen keyboard to come out soon and then the phone will be complete IMO....


    i was in the same boat with my G1 phone no touche screen typing but they fixed that with the update last week.


    nice phone you got there make sure you keep a plastic (film thingy) on the screen to nto scratch it

  5. We have a mini fridge in our office and we all are very hungy people. One day I rigged up a fire work that has a sting on both ends to the door of the fridge. When you pull the stings, it pops pretty loud. As soon as I finish our Course Manager(boss) walks in saying he's getting hungry and heads straight to the fridge. BANG!! He doesn't use profanity at all.


    "Son Of Bitch"





    I've hit peoples door to their office, chairs, and even the phone reciever with these. Priceless everytime.


    hahaha nice. i wish i could do that but we have 300+ people on the phones at any given time. so a noise like that woudl get me booted quick haha

  6. i guess its not "funny" by any means...i felt like a bit of a dick afterwards...but my old boss, who has a quick/witty/sick sense of humor, right after i told him this goes "so call him up tomorrow and find out when he's getting the insurance check so he can pay off this account"



    lol i hate doing this but i love it at the same time.


    my husband wife daughter jsut died yesterday or the best im at a funeral for my son...oh im sorry to hear that so when will you be brining your accoutn back to a positive haha they hate that one ahh well dont be old you fuckers

  7. boat was itll be an early ro mid 80s sportish boat. one thatll have enough power to pull a tube or wakeboard. i dont want to hang with sams boat or anything lol


    watercraft two mabey three seater mid 90s ive seen go for around my budget. i want just something i can fly around on be nimble in the water. again it wont be the fastest thing on the water. but somethign i can enjoy an an throw around.


    now my only problem is decided boat or pwc. an itws come down to what i can find the better deal for.

  8. There was a a nice boat on her for sale for 2800. Its a steal. I would get it before a ski.

    yea i saw that. dont have that kinda cash so trying to get financed for it.

    How much are you looking to spend?

    1k or under in cash anything over going to try to get financed for it.


    problem is i have way too many toys right now trying to justify not paying alot ahhhhh

  9. glad your able to put a shoe on an use a crutch vs a walker. means your defentally moving in a positive direction. how much pain are you still in? does normla walking aroudn even with it elevated stilll hurt? an are you able to put any pressure on it at all with out excreciatating(sp?) pain?
  10. if your looking for auto quads i recomment the yamah brreeze. cheap fully auto great learns quad. or a honda 250ex but i think that has gears.


    if your willing to buy newer go to k an c cycle yamah in hebron. ( a mile or two past trails on main street) amazing pace ive bought 3 motorcycles from them an 4 4 wheelers. from them an i get amazzzing deals. little mom an pop shop .

  11. i feel your pain in 2007 some one backed into my car an destroyed my hood on ym srt an the bumber has some gashed of bumper taken out. no note. (thats why i have my carbon fiber ricer hood now)not even two weeks later i was at my work an some oen side swiped my car (to this day stil lthere an there is rust now on part of it ahhhh) an again no note just left.


    people these days just need to die. i though about gettin one of thos cameras that mount in your car that reccycle the memory every 6 hours so i coudl see these fuckers doing this crap.


    sucky suitation man

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