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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. we have a beagel an shes 22 pounds they make amazing dogs if you find one that wont howl (which we did woo) shes very affectionate an very loyal. they were such good dogs that we picked up another one 2 months ago. an they play great.


    also a min pin was a good small dog that my brothers gf had

  2. Fuck today off, go to work and take tom off. We are going to Cedar Point damnit!:D


    P.S. Let me know if you feel like going out tonight. Me and Eric are meeting my buddy from Boston in the arena district. We are starting kinda early so I can call it a night kinda early


    lodge bar has decent drink specials tonight but thats about it for good specials in the arena as wednesdays are slow as shit!!


    WHAT YOU need to do is go to sloopys an get 2 pitchers of liquid x (5 bucks a piece) an then go to arena. youll be reall buzzed from sloopys an wont spend much money in teh arena

  3. Why would you just not call in sick:






    he sounds like a responsible guy.


    plus even he says that he normally sits all alone with no one else around. its perfect no one around to see you paassed out at your desk an get paid for it. hah

  4. you lucky bastards i emailed this guy about a 96 yamaha for 600 everything worked on it ect said he needed cash cause he had court an needed to pay off his dui. lol but he said he got a flood of emails an i was 2nd in line an it sold DAMMIT!!!
  5. ok so any one have any funny storys of customer incidents at your job?


    i just had another one today where i just called a customer that was over drawn on her checking account. she was like yea sorry about that my husband just died. we were married for 16 days. an she starts cracking up lol an she was happy as can be. laughing up a storm an kept saying ahh well what can you do. an at first i was like yea ok but checked on the account an sure enough a death certificate was put in for him wow my job can be so entertaining some times. hopefully she took out a big ass insurance policy before she killed him haha



    another funny one was back when the big hurricanes were happening in texas a few months ago . a customer called in said said "were not evacuating were going to stick it out. hopefully after the storm business will pick up". an she paused an kept saying "sory sorry i didnt mean it like that". i was a little confused till i looked on her account turns out her business was a mortuary(sp??) an funeral home. ahahahahaha

  6. yea i can understand it woudl be a pain in the ass but if you dont want to take it away completly then you have to suffer. but if you guys had an agreemnet an he didnt hold to it, you need to stick to your end. but thats just me
  7. This thread reminds of tubing and skiing behind my grandpas oldass boat on Buckeye for years, until last year when he sold it and bought some gay luxury pontoon boat. Now I got skis and a tube with no boat to pull them.


    I'm in for fun shit, but I gotz no boat :(


    dude thers some fast as hell pontoon boats out there trust me!!!!

  8. ok so its been a while since weve done this. but we used to have like 8 people race every night so lets get a few


    forza two xbox360 at 1030pm. running each class d,c,b,a,s,u an then over again. bring it bitches an feel the wrath of a salmon collered vw bug thatll fuck you up on the course!!

  9. Paul what are you looking for? Theres stuff all over craigslist that are great deals.


    mid 90s pwc or a older boat to tinker around the lake on do some tubing ect im waiting on a guy to get back to me about this pwc but i think he might of sold it by now. right now just tryign to find somethign cheap(or untill i can sell some shit)

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