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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. Thought about it, but it will sit there until it rots away or I get it out. Its probably filled with water at the moment. Know anyone else who takes a mint boat and lets it rot? I have just been to busy and well now I cant do anything with it this year.


    you could always rent it out. might as well make money off it since its just sitting there. i might even know some one thats interested in doing that. ;)

  2. 1998 Chevy Blazer LS 4x4 with the 4.3 vortec.


    well your max towing is 5500 lbs i just typed in 17 foot boat in good an got a average weight of 2300 pounds for the boat. add in another 1-2 k for trailer right aroudn 4k pounds ide say max you would be pulling with it.

  3. The srt I drove loved it. 4200ish full spool. But, I love my 3076r much more.


    i was going big turbo on mine an sold it at the last minuite for this exact reason. you have preety much have 2k or less rpm of usable power. i love my full spooll at 3k an ive got soem n20 goingon to compensate for the lack of power. ha


    eric is this the car that alreaddy had the 35r on it?

  4. It wasnt easy for me to get to the garage to get pics. I am getting a little more mobile now.


    understandable. but you do have kids an a wife :bangbang: goodluck with the sale. btw how many miles are on it?


    do you need some one to come over am take it around the block to get everythign flowing again. ide even be willing to ride it around with a for sale sign on my back

  5. I wouldnt worry about me right now because my schedule is so messed up.


    k well since im such a good guy an all ill take your boat/skis out. you know to keep them in use an all ha


    emailed a guy about this jetski hopefully it isant sold an ill be out with you guys

  6. driving shantons car is like riding a roller coaster waiting waiting waiting OMG what the fuck is going on i'm gonna die


    haha an thats why my car can pull him till 80 an then he flysby me like im standing still.


    eric what are your plans for the car. i know you said daily but you also said by daily i mean 35r it lol.

  7. i have :) and as far as it being laggy depends on whats pushing it. shantons 1.8 liter YES a corvette NO


    what are you talking about shanonts vw instantly spools... if by instant you mean gas oh hey look at the birdy ohh the moon light HOLY SHITTTTT finly

  8. Well, now that's what I am talking about. Id rather be on the north side anyways...I will be living in Marysville in August and that drive from Marysville to Reynoldsburg isn't the shortest.


    its 45 minuites from mad river to reynolsdburg. its not bad

  9. Do the math... you are looking for a new spot.... right?









    we use to have a spot at qsl where they woudl allow us to tape/cone off a good portion of the parking lot jsut for columbus racing. problem with that is every other ricer fuck stick woudl park outside of it an think they are with us an would pull there ricer ways. do burnouts rev cars music ect ectect

  10. what do you mean by toy rig?


    what are you using to toy it with or planning on? truck/suv/car/peddle bike/ two footed express( what vehicle?) sorry i call everyting a toy rig that we use for toying as we have a family buisness that deals primarily with toy bars for motorhomoes-to cars an 5th wheel parts

  11. How bout I just say fuck organizing this shit. No wonder Les stopped. You find a lot that someone will give us written permission to park for free in downtown Columbus, or in Polaris.


    I also just got a call, Casto does not want us on any of their properties in Columbus, Ohio/Dublin, Ohio.


    Why don't we just hold meets in parking garages? That we can do no problem without getting into trouble.

    PARKING GARAGES SUCH as malls, the security will kick you out if your not shopping in the mall. loitering.... honestly its a lost cause unless you have a friend that owns the company an lot an he will be present at all times. if not then we can just keep playing the how long can we stay here game



    not being a dick just realistic

  12. unfortunately, no.... we haven't bought the boat yet... we are just looking for a boat in that range and need to be able to have something to pull the boat before buying the boat... make sense? :-)


    that makes sense. well your best bet then is to buy a beast ass hitch so you wont have an issue with what ever boat you get.do you know what your usiing as a toy rig?

  13. here are the numbers for the spot in downtown columbus we are looking at


    Property Rental $0/month

    Mandatory Insurance $2500/year = 416.67 Month = Aprox $100/week = $50/meet day.


    That means, if 50 cars show up and pay $, thats breaking even. This is a private gated lot right in downtown.


    ahahhahaha thall never happen. not every one is willing to pay to park my car in a parking lot...


    an what if you dont have x amount of cars so you dont have x amount of money are you charging double next week. lameee just find some one with a lot an borrow it from them for a case of beer

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