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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. Shut up Paul.... you car is a fucking hilljack's orgy.



    mmm orrrgggyy


    so would everyone here be happy if i payed....no they would still be pissed they waited.. your arguing about something that wouldnt be resolved even if i payed they would still be pissed they didnt get to run... what about the other 6.5 hours of hot lapping everyone did...


    i paid for racing from 10-5... i got racing from 1030-330 doesnt matter if i hot lapped or not i didnt get what i paid for due to your car taking up 1.5 hours to clean up

  2. they were gonna shut down at 5 anyways asshat they werent reopening untill 6pm... for friday night street fights or whatever, funny how you payed brian to dyno but yet your death trap peace of shit was backfiring at me and everyone else... go put some more zipties on your shit...


    hmm an what do you mean put more zipties on my shit? you act like there is some everywhere... wierd i dont seem to see many. nonethe less brian got paid for the services rendered 3 pulls. well 4 but the 1st was because a tie down wasent on the car fully(not my doing) but again thanks for trying

  3. you wasted my time putting your hunk of shit on brians dyno with no alternator gtfo, you had fucking 7 hours of racing, i will apologize for the break but im not gonna let someone talk shit about me or my car when it wasnt that big of a deal.... my car broke at exactly 3:43pm and they were running again at 4:40pm i was in the booth the whole time asking question about the break and what needs to be done...


    hmm interesting how my hunk of junk still paid dyno brian for my 3 pulls...thats odd


    oh an what else is odd at 5pm i left an one car had been down the track an they shut it down again cause of your oil slick

  4. Paul did you have to have a full suit?


    n ope my bike isant faster then 120...it is consistant 116-119mph lol im on the fine line mygoal is always to beat the 120 barrier in my turd lol



    i just wear good jeans boots leather jacket an leather gloves


    but i have been looking for a suit or pants to be safe

  5. what was your best time? had a good time spectating. thanks to anthony and everyone else that worked to put it together.


    enough to beat my ass dammit i need to install the n20



    btw to all who saw my car go soo slow that was not me. i let like 5 people run my car an they allll were slow ... lol


    same as my bike gezz it was going 13;s with some people running it haha

  6. best today an personal beset for et was


    2.0 60 foot on this pass( could not hook worth shit)

    12.87@105.67 (4mph slower then my previous best damm)


    then on mybike best today was a

    11.80@107 (just couldnt get it down)

    the bike did launch an pull out in front of nall the 600 sport bikes to the 1/8th but after that they would come around dammit!!!


    everything was great the hole day went well up untill some DOUCHE CANOE in a Dsm(go figure) decided to spit oil from one end of the track to the other an shut the track down for an hour an a half( or longer i left at the point pissed i couldnt finish my day dammit!!)

    I ran 13 times but My tranny was acting up on me


    !st good pass

    2.0 60ft



    2nd good pass

    1.9 60ft



    Had a great time and alot of people gave me props about my little civic WILL DO THIS AGAIN and I beat paul once I found my gears

    haha my cars consistanly slow... i should of installed my n2o damm


    HAHA, Paul lost :D


    You know I'm just messing around Paul I heart you. Thanks for getting the race gas for me!

    dam harssssh

    I ran Paul for 20 bucks. I am now 20 dollars richer once he gives me my money!!!

    yea i know an your ass left before i could get you money

  7. Thanks everyone who set it up. special thanks to Anthony, Tina, and SRTPaul for letting make some passes in their cars..




    PS Paul your shifter is junk

    haha thank phil for that...


    Alot of nice rides today. Only thing wrong was the damn sun burn FTL!!

    u can get sun burnt? lol j.k

  8. which tubes? the fucking tb again?


    god damn dont make me go to the shop this late and rig it up..and put the down pipe on..


    pm cash offer for late night service or call me homo


    ill just do it at the track but i bought a tbolt clamp for it but couldent get it right enough due to not being able to have the right socket on it lol just bring a dam 11mm deep socket rob


    an yea its the tube on the throttle body

  9. docs big party is around those times (weather permitting) ide push it back farther away


    oh an disclaimer for the offroad spot...it is not legal to ride back there but i did all the time with only one mishap so be carefull...also deeeep deeeep ruts after a rain so if ur trucks not baller done even bother

  10. Is it too late to run at the track tomorrow?


    I am thinking about going, and might just take the GTI down the stip......lol


    pm forumulrized i think thers one left...youll have to come to the track earrrrrrllly as in probably meet us a jegs at 715 an buy the spot...but pm him first

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