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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. lol so YOUR scared of a pos STi now? see here is the thing...i decide how many times i run bud. You do this whole drag racing thing 24/7.....i do not. Let me put it this way, if we were auto xing i would let you have as many runs as you want, i dont give a fuck cause youd still lose. This tells me that you really think you could lose to me if i got comfortable on the strip mmmmm?


    hmm auto x.... ive never done this before mabey we should race there too :bangbang: i dont race 24/7 any more... ive raced two people this year one from a dig( in mexico of course)

  2. Here is what i will do Paul. If i get to run at the track day (im not signed up yet and dont think any spots are available), you give me 3 passes to get this whole "drag racing" thing down (pending on if my clutch will last the 3 runs and onto the money race) and i will run you for $100 from a dig.

    negative one run get there we run it bam over with lol

  3. ill bet the kid out runs you from a dig. cause high 12s isnt shit when your talking about racing all the time. please dont hype your shit up like you think its fast when all you do is run ricers and stock cars


    so you wanna bet that he beats me from a dig at the track?


    im putting up a 100$ bet for you....you accept or decline none of this ooo dont hype ur shit blah blah....think of it this way youll have a 50/50 chance to get out of the bet....the kit hasent even accepted my bet in my car in my pos slow neon.

  4. your shit is slow, high 12s doesnt make you fast you dumbass. :gtfo:, what a moron


    high 12s shoot i run 14s like you do... so what you dont want to take that bet? you opened your mouth but when some one accepts now you bitching up? :asshole:

  5. His car is sick,glad to see you joined the board. Welcome, there is alot of douche's here, just weed through them...

    hey im not a douche just bored hahaha

    Still need injectors and tune after the end of this week. 2-3 weeks hopefully
    right on man cant wait to see it


    Thank you sir. the RX7 is a beast very nice

    his is slow though haha



    so you have any plans for the car? doc mentioned bikes what are you rollin around on?

  6. As in i dont race for pocket change and lint....you dum dum. You want me, you pull out the $100's and let um rain Paul Walker!!

    hmm ill take a 100$ race....

    Quit getting side tracked and grab your 100 dollars for that sti race.

    i must of missed his post thank you for that, btw whens ur car gonna be back up ?

    your an idiot, hes not old and not only is his car sexy as shit, it would put bus links on your ride.

    i know his has the sexy time feature as wellahhh

    100 says you walk paul as well

    100 bucks say i walk him from a dig at the track...want to take that bet phil since u think myshits so slow ?

  7. I've known Josh for around 8 years ..... he's a real stand-up guy. He's my go-to man for all things motorcycle and has always gotten me hooked up for my bikes.


    He's being pretty modest here, so let me fill you in: he put together the talent for a world record drag time on a bike last year. He knows everyone in the motorcycle racing world and he's held in high regard. Besides that, he's a pretty good rider himself and will get on your bike and ride it better than you do and show you a few stunts that you didn't think it could do.


    Although he's had a few hot cars in the past, I'm glad to see him starting to come out to more meets and becoming interested in CR. He's a good guy to know.


    :thumbup: + rep from me, my friend

    ok so since u know him an speek of him so highly he must be an old douche bag ....your disssapointing me in your old times there doc


    lol j.k

  8. sorry i dont carry 1's, 5's, 10's, 20's, or 50's when it comes to racing or "digging" :D

    figured u were scared of a neon lol

    i looked in manual and i dont have a dig feature on my car. Does Jegs have a dig button?

    you dont need any of those your car has the sexy time feature so your set

  9. Maybe if you came to a party once in a while you would know!!




    Bitches be crazy, they took the beer and phil is a bitch and didnt put the gloves on because "rcrgirl" would beat his ass, cops came, people left, they came back more consumption and then orgy!! i left :)

    mo fo i came to your first two, sorry ass i had plans an i was sick as shit an didnt even follow threw with those ha next time for sure.



    an phil i wish i woulda come i woudl of put the gloves on for your bitch ass :bangbang:

    i have pictures of Andi? but i wont go that far. Like i told her sober = fine.. drunk = stupid whore. but i guess im an asshole for that one..... coulda let the drunk bitch drive an kill herself... damn.

    dover your the shits true story ha

  10. Uh ok. And A. Marijuana has been de-criminalized in the state of ohio to where carrying anything under 100grams is only a 60$ ticket. Open containers a worse charge than that, and if youve never been high dont fuckin down on it, cause its not like it affects you like alcohol does, you still know wtfs goin on where your at, you can still drive Etc. I went out to see whats up, and if im stoned fuckin who cares, im not out there racing fucked up and shit so whys it matter?


    ill remeber this next time your out there kid. thanks for the lesson

  11. I rolled up, got out. O'Doyle started talkin shit, i said i dun give a fuck , Turbo timer turned the car off, said the car died. What the fuck ever. Blank look on the face was being stoned. I really don't give a fuck that a 350lb 6'6 ginger that drives an accord was makin fun of me. Whatever


    dam cry baby calm down kiddo


    btw dont come out to meets on drugs you fucking moron.

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