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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. nah. what my bank does is has it hooked up to a credit card. so if i overdraft. whatever i dont have gets charged to the credit card.


    yea exactly just make sure you dont over draw you cc as well.. i see it everyday they have there odp linked to there cc an they rack up there cc an eventually over draw the cc



    even with the economy and banks being stingy, they're still willing to help. this last week, i had 2 issues, 2 different banks, and both were resolved


    1st was a CC i just opened, payment due on 4/11, go online 4/11 to make payment, already a late fee on the account. WTF? call and the guy said they dont process anything on weekends (which was BS because they posted the payment on SUNDAY), said he would waive the fee since im a new customer and probably wasn't aware the payments due on weekends have to be done before 5 on friday. cool


    then yesterday (technically tuesday since it was 12:15am), i go onto chase's website to make my other CC payment, which is usually due on the 16/17th, and they moved my due date to the 13th. so now its the 14th, and they hit me with a fee. called them up, told them how i had just moved (which i did, the last week of march) and hadn't gotten the bill...usually (i know with the bank i work for) the envelope will say "return service requested", so if theres mail forwarding, they wont send it to the new address. the girl was cool, said she saw the change of address from the end of march, and waived the fee


    both were done on the 800#s.

    checking/savings accounts are a whole different thinking then credit cards int he banks ...trust me banks want there money so if you o.d its hard to get the fees wavied. usally they will do it once mabey two times a year anythin past there your shit outta luck



    to the op did you take any of my advice an call customer service an speek with a supervisor if a regular rep wouldnt refund fees?

  2. I don't care if you signed the petition. That's fine.


    There are the retards who smoke right at the entrance. That I wouldn't like either. Even if I smoke. If we were AT LEAST 50 feet away from the building why would one give a shit? Just because they had to smell it when they walked from the parking lot?


    That, and I don't work at Polaris anymore so I could give two shits what happens up there lol.

    the people who are far away from me that i dont have to walk near them are fine but its the dickstivks that do it at the entrance is what pisses me off.

  3. see ive got mixed opinions. on one hand yea shes telling on you for smoking in an area where your not susposed to that could an will affect others health..... shes parking in visitors section when shes not susposed.... but not affecting others health at all.... so not sure


    no offense to you or smokers but frankly im one of the people who signed the petition to have the chae at polaris complelty smoke free because the fuck heads stand at the door an smoke an theres literally thousands of cig butts everywhere its insane. i wont live ive said something to security as im alergic to cigaret smoke it .makes my eyes itchy as shit .


    fklame away i dont give a fuck

  4. I'm waiting for them to call me back about that. I thought it was supposed to be taken out on the 6th of each month and it came out on the 3rd. I'll definitely get them to fax something to Huntington if it was their error, but I'm assuming I overlooked the details.


    At least it's the only debt I have so I can't complain too much. Just kind of a bitch when I have NO money to cover it right now.

    i under stand i would be the person that calls u in regards to collecting this (but im not with hunnington) iyt might be best to call the collections line for hunnington once ur negative like 6 days an sayb i can pay x amount if u can waive fees i can deposit today . now be mind full they wont waive all but might help you on some.

  5. I'm not blaming the economy for any of it. I was dumb for not having money in at the time and not paying attention to something that was taken out about a week before I thought it was going to. Now fees have spiraled out of control and I can't cover it.

    wasthuis transaction taken out early with out approval or u just thought an forgot it was coming out earlie? if it came out early an wasent susposed to you can dispute it wih thaty company for screwing up your acccount

  6. I used to work for Huntington, my wife worked there for 10 years, they gaff you with fees. That is how they stay open. Find a different bank.

    any large banks going to charhe u up the ass in fees is you over draw. dont over draw u wont have a problem.

    Yeah, I know. I've worked for a coauple banks now (not Huntington), so I understand they're gonna be stingy about fees.


    I don't have a go-to banker to talk to since I don't ever run into this kinda stuff, so I figured I'd try here.


    was thhis a bank error, or you just being dumb?

    have u had a fee refund in the last 12 months? if soo if ur branch wont waive any(which the branch has the most power for f/w) call cst service an explain to them the suitation an they still cant then talk with a soupervisior an or escalations person an talk to them as a last resort. if they wont then suck it up as a loss.



    oh an dont say blahblah blah im going threw hard time with this recession in the economy blahblah.....lol goodluck

  7. yea mines still prefect, only thing possibly wrong is the turbo might be on its way out, but then again the stock turbo was never meant to see 25 psi lol

    yea mines spking 22 an falling to 18 i was going a 50trim but sold it all an am trying this n20 setup.


    last question what fuel rail did u end up using to tap into the fuel for the n20? 03 fuel rail or an aftermarket setup.

  8. retard time? wtf is that lol


    on a 75 shot i went 11.7@120

    i think i could have done better on the 100 shot especially since my buddy turned the nossle facing the wrong direction, right onto the IAT and about 60ft out my CEL came on lol oh well

    im new to n20 so i was folowing off the stickies off srtforums(frankly anyone who uses n20) advice stating u need to pull back 2 to 4 degrees of timing. im assuming u dont an urs still runs fine?

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