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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. SHIT SHIT SHIT CAN SOME ON BRING A 11MM DEEEP SOCKET WITH YOU.... LOL i cant find mine an my boost tube keeps blowing off an i got tclamps now


    an alex my mom was driving my car today so ide assume between 4 an 6? you cant mix my car up its the only one really

  2. keith its 12+ based on how good u are interviewing.



    a few people have alreaddy gone an applied there from cr so get there were desperatly hiring due to doubling our portfolio.


    if ur not a moron im sure u can easily get this job.


    just dont forget to om me what time u went an ur full name so i can put in a good word

  3. A 1986 honda interceptor 500...laid it down on the way to work today going like 5 miles an hour hahahah I'm fine, kinda glad I did it actually. I got it right after my birthday in january tho.

    haha nice arent u glad u bought an old cheap bike. doesnt matter if u kay it down haha hit me up if u evfer want to goride

  4. Ok thursday the 23td(tomorrow) chase is doing walk in applying an possible interview


    Job is for collector overdraft collections 5/11/2009 class 1230 to 9pm monday threw friday


    Its soft collections for peoples checking accounts that are over drawn 0 to 60 days easy as hell



    Its ar 1111 polaris parkway columbus oh 43240 walk ins 11am to 6 pm . You will enter building p at the south end of the complex. Once in the building ps door ull make an immediate right .




    Its very easy to get this job since we're bought wamu we have to tripple our staff so doing a lot of hiring


    Great benifits

    Greaat bonus program as well.


    If you apply I need ur full name an time u applied so I can try to help you.


    also i guess there going to ask who refered u just state paul brower

  5. Damn Earon...you're old haha. I would love to come out and buy you a drink or 5, but I'm sick as a dog..so we'll see.

    pussy ive been sick for a week and a half an i still managed to go out to the bar saturday an got smasssshhhhhedddd last night lol liquor helps it....

  6. I was just sifting through the posts, and do we need to start a Alcohol vs. marijuana thread in the kitchen? Thats what this looks like its turning into. There is 1 thing marijuana will always have over alcohol. 0 people have died from overdosing, as opposed to alcohol which i dont even want to get started with. Im talking strictly about overdosing here, not getting fucked up and crashing or some stupid shit.

    see but thats not what my comments are about ass hole i dont give a shit about u overdosing blahblah im concerned with ur high ass coming to a meet an killing someone else so do us a favorif u come out to a area that a group of cr members r at if ur high gtfo if ur not an ur sober great say hey an not be a douchebag thats all there is to it.

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