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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. Technically, its KDM :p


    Do you take some sort of strange pleasure in ripping up a car that is not yours ?



    Hmm I don't know. Let me drive ur audi an ill let u know haha


    Brian yea ivr got it. An the rental is from enterprise... bastards gave me this tinyyyy car ahhhhh

  2. anyone know of any good mobile window tint guys. I need one for our shop

    Useff at a 2 z window tint his number is in the links ji posted. He does commerecial residential an cares so he will travel for shops. Great prices too.

  3. Ok I'm calling out allll cars under 100hp baby my rental car is mad jdm kia rio 4 door. Its fast like you don't even know. Who wants some?



    Ok so who's got some rental car stories, where they have messed there car up?


    My buddy rented a malibu back in 2001 an took it out to the desert in california where we go off roading... yea that car was considered totaedl when she brought it back. From jumps to whoop sections to hill climbs the car did great.

  4. The SC would get waxed, I'll admit that. It would be a silver vs. silver race. You going to the track day?


    yup you? we can do some fun runs goingon im jsut bored. you ever had any of them at the track yet?

  5. Can't even spell DOLLAR? Damn good thing there will always be a job for you manning the drive-thru window.....................


    :bangbang: its been a while. its cool ill be rocking that drive threw window when your wearing your depends, an drooling over your self in a wheel chair ya old fart... lol

  6. I talked smack because the car at half throttle and a 1/4 of the boost you run could still pull you down the highway. Unfortunately it blew up last time, and I'm not making anymore work for myself.


    :jerkit: bring it man lol



    disclaimer: do it right i hate to see you break again man goodluck

  7. I'll be out cruising but not racing until I get a solid, reliable dyno tune. So probably another month.


    gezz get your shit ready alreaddy, talked alot of smack all winter ..... :bangbang: its cool though im sure youll need that extra time ...

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