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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. i dont like you, but i'd still beat your cheeks :p


    yeah the ones that drive across town to replace a fuse


    yes...that would be phil


    i hate you too...





    only issue i have is a i know a few pauls :( and to be honest, the one from here is the best of them...even tho this one leaks :D

    i leak? haha im confused?

  2. I would tell you to go torque steer into a wall, but that would actually require you're car to make torque, lol

    haha your my hhheeerrrrroooooo btw my car makes alot of torque actually haah.

  3. Four levels of friendship imo. You have best friends, friends, acquaintances, paul. He doesn't really fit anywhere, he is just there all the fucking time. His persona demands to be acknowledged, but just as quickly forgotten. :)

    wow dam thats harsh......


    i dont have friends i guess, so noted by mopar....

  4. I rode a Raptor 660... I dont have it anymore though... It's hard to find people to ride these days...

    thats why i sold me 99 banshee with an alba 420 dtroker when i moved here in 02


    then sold my 06 banshee last year due to the same reason. gettin people to ride more then 2 timesa year is dam impossible in ohio.

  5. Your sig has happened to me so many times, lol! Especially in my VR4 I used to own. "Do a burnout yo!", I dont think they realize how incredibly difficult that is with AWD.

    why dont u grow some balls an make some hp, youll have no problem then. haha

  6. ""4. If you want to use CR as a venue to sell your item(s), please take the time to post a full description and asking price. Do not just post a direct link to Ebay or Craigslist. If you do have an Ebay, Craigslist, autotrader, or simular site, you can add it to your post if you would like.""


    price something?what are you considering for possaibl trades'?

  7. :rolleyes:

    yea you roll your eyes gramps haha

    Paul, how long did this take you? lol Do you read your post before you hit 'Submit Reply'?

    dam even your making fun of me... that hurts haha

    Hmmm...you sound like a secret agent from "Team Output"...
    yes your right im the founder an president of ricers united an team output . you dont want none of us we bring jdk to a new level of which you fbodys cant handle. bring it any race you want but you cant have turbos, superchargers, pro chargers. n20 race gas, methonol ect ....
  8. Im gonna warn you now there is gonna be a IDIOT who welcomes you then shortly after asks u to race and sign up for our track day so he can walk you! But you may not be able to understand him due he's just stupid and cant spell!!!


    hmm... am i predictable??


    Haha where is Pauls goofy ass?


    goofy please i look more odd then anything


    As long as they trap 120-125. then it might be a decent race.. But Im used to it. the only difference is their cars are slow. but they still cant spell.


    whats this guys screen name?

    i am slowwwwww


    We left him in Reynoldsburg.


    while we were waiting at DQ paul was washing his car, that's why he was taking so long :rolleyes:

    there was so much b ird shit on there i could barely drive

    LoL what a fag. He should have called to let us know.

    it was less then 20 minuites since i had left dick

    o a srt4 . what stage is he 7 and 1/3 :confused: lol

    hmm i dont have a stage kit...im too slow to be on par for a mopar stage 1 2 or 3 kit....i guess i fail... im sure you'll beat me at the track anyways, seeing as well its a neon an is not mad tyte jdm yoooo.

    what i was just wondering

    rob your old stfu

  9. Well I thought I saw paul roll by

    wasent me this time haha oh an ut my witness that that shinny red ta went down haha in mexico of course.


    this threads a bunch of faiiiilllll out to the arena disctict to get trashed now

  10. LOL... I had a 260... errr 360. Ditched that piece of shit after multiple rings of death. Oh and, I like paying $0 to play online. Although I can foresee lots of love coming my way; I own a PS3 and a Mac. :thumbup:

    i jhad such high hopes for you. now its just a bunch of fail aghhhhh



    ahhh its friday an ive got 2.5 more hours of work ahhhhhh

  11. Any get the new map pack yet for WaW? Any good? Its free right?
    waw suckks get back on cod4


    If anyone still plays COD4 on PS3.cause i fail at life an dont have a xbox360.. hit me up: Throttle_Inc

    when ever you wanna step up an play cod4 hit me up on 260.

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