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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. when can i start looking at other forums and meets n shit? do i have to race that guy with the srt4 or something in order to be apart of this forum?

    i =kinda like this idea....

    lol +rep


    No his shits weak :)


    ohhh man next month is gonna be sweeeet ive always been a fan of the front end of those s4's in myrear view..... :asshole:

  2. Oh, well the Home page said registration was open to everyone else on March 18th soooo.... I guess I'll wait. thanks!


    yea but certain things happen on the 18th that people havent been able to get around to it due to other things on there mind man...

  3. God damn paul can at least greet someone without fucking tryna race??? wait let me answer that.................... NO!!! it gets damn annoying reading the same shit from you EVERY DAMN DAY!!!!! Get a life!!! ok geesh!!!! :p


    you know what your right... im calling out people to race on COLUMBUS RACING.... gezzz i must be on the wrong web site for that type of talk... :gtfo: an fix your pos an then come back an talk

  4. Yeah, what were you thinking speaking proper english in front of paul? You can't confuse him like that.



    (for paul so i am not yelled at for speaking in front of him) this is what i said paul:

    Yeh wat was you thankin talkin all properly in front of the paul?? you done went an confuesd him an shiat.......

    hahaha asshole.


    LOL! Every noob thread I've read today you've called them out on the 24th track rental.


    That is all.

    haha well thats cause theres like 10 people signed up so far so.... on that note jm calling out your porshe on april 24th bring it. haha

  5. A modded STI?!!! Wanna race?!




    gezz he said hes a wimp an doesnt want to race!!! bu5t since ur offering a race why dont u finaly race me with ur garage queen lol..... april 24th u know u wanna



    oh an macxs are for homos.

  6. wow...you ask me about doing a swap now your back to fixxing the lt1. which is it?

    he doesnt race anymore theres no need for a swap......



    aj goodluck man sucks to hear . talk about bad timing with buying the new house an all.

  7. IM still pretty fucked up from last night.


    Nyoh's to Sloopys, to Skye Bar, to CBR's back to Nyoh's


    soo many Jager Bombs, & Irish Car Bombs, then a couple glasses of regular beer and one glass of green beer

    , skye bar is shut down an closed.......


    did u end up going to lodge?

    yea an god it sucked assss

  8. We can't tell when you are trashed or not. The grammar is always the same.

    Nope sober at the molment. Few shots in that's all


    Seeing as this is YOU,


    After you get smashed off of a single Bud Light, what are you going to do?







    Please everytime I see ur ass ur drunk as shit

  9. fuck you too :D my setup/gear is for woods ball, ghillie suit is useless in speed ball, plus my gun is similar to an A4 its to bulky for speed ball

    Fuck ur powerfull bad ass gun.

    Well lets fuckin do it i have weekends off!!!!!!!!

    Oh god I wish you would come out.. were automatically on seperate teams so I can shoot ur ass ahhhh

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