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Everything posted by Gump

  1. Cool...Can you list what's in it, as a bob?
  2. Is this kinda like so it's a second date so those shacking up can spoon? Ben's group has a anti-spooning clause.. j/k Can't make it , as usual.
  3. Uhhh.....last year I don't remember many women who prefer the opposite sex..
  4. I just passed 9! Stateies on 77 between new philly and marrieta
  5. trees have pollinated All over the car.
  6. 1. I have a big green toe nail, it got smashed by a pipe and was stitched back together using the toenail as a mold. Part of it's still numb. 2. Had a brain hemorage when I was 12, from putting up woven wire horse fence by myself on the farm because I stretched it too tight with the tractor and I couldn't get it close enough to the post to hammer the staple in and I pushed way too hard. They thought it was heat stroke at the ER, I went a week at home in a delirious amount of pain before they did a cat scan and realized it was a brain hemorage. By then the blood had absorbed a little and I spent a week in the hospital getting shots evey hour. I think I'm normal. 3. I cut most of the end of my finger off with a sickle bar mower a couple years ago. It grew back, the nails got a hump in it now. 4. Married once, and divorced as of maybe 6 years ago?, and have two children. Had a 3 year gf that ended a year ago?. Current member of the heeman women haters club, single and I like it for now, live on a old farm with acerage, 4 horses, 3 dogs, & my kids cat. 5. Played soccer since I was in 3rd grade thru 11th grade, (I wasn't that good), boy scouts, Indian guides, cross country, & track, played sax 1 year. 6. I can fix about anything but hate knowing, because it annoys me when I see things I could fix but don't want to but feel like I should. 7. I went to college to be a cop or Park Ranger, but chose another career. 8. I can blow actual bubbles with my tongue. 9. I've had/have a lot of hobbies and I get bored with them really quick. 10. I can't remember dates very well, have no concept of time, value things differently than most people, & don't care about cosmetic things but am a things person vs. a people person.
  7. Gump

    Fallin Rider

    I hope he gets well soon.
  8. O ya, 83 is closed north of the river, has road blocks, far apart from each other but you can get thru on a bike. She was purdy.
  9. The concrete patches or whatever they were, are terrible on 164. Did you head west on it? I've never been east. I think that's the road some call Rollercoster road? I'm not sure.
  10. H&R Block $21.25 total, for federal, with some things itemized, slightly complicated with efile and direct deposit. State, I use the states E-file and it's free. I do them on my laptop. It's super easy. I sent mine to pro's twice as a comparison and they both got me LESS money. Read the help files and you are a pro.
  11. Gump

    The $50 Lesson

    True story.................................The $50 Lesson (chain mail) Recently, while I was working in the flower beds in the front yard, my neighbors stopped to chat as they returned home from walking their dog. During our friendly conversation, I asked their 12 year old daughter what she wanted to be when she grows up. She said she wanted to be President some day. Both of her parents - liberal Democrats - were standing there, so I asked her, "If you were President what would be the first thing you would do?" She replied, "I'd give food and houses to all the homeless people." Her parents beamed with pride! "Wow...what a worthy goal!" I said. "But you don't have to wait until you're President to do that!" I told her. "What do you mean?" she replied. So I told her, "You can come over to my house and mow the lawn, pull weeds, and trim my hedge, and I'll pay you $50. Then you can go over to the grocery store where the homeless guy hangs out, and you can give him the $50 to use toward food and a new house." She thought that over for a few seconds, then she looked me straight in the eye and asked, "Why doesn't the homeless guy come over and do the work, and you can just pay him the $50?" I said, "Welcome to the Republican Party." Her parents aren't speaking to me.
  12. That stinks. I'm thinking shack ride the weekend of June 2nd if the weathers nice.
  13. Not that I remember. We should ride June 2 if possible. Last chance before my kiddos show up and the Gap ride.
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