Good video explaining how they Frack. They have been fracking the well near me for a week now. Non-stop tanker trucks down my road. An informative site on Carrol counties oil and gas boom questions, answers, information, complaints. P.S. In my opinion, stay away from a company called Wishgard or any other Lease jockey for that matter. Lease direct. (Although there is a risk to not sell and hold out for more.) They are trying to buy up leases on the cheap near Columbus, Ohio before people realize what's going on. I heard WishGaurd had a public meeting near Columbus trying to get everyone to lease their gas and oil rights offering $800/acre and 12% royalties with and additional bonus. My buddies parents were there and then they organized their own public meeting. A Wishgard employee was quietly in the crowd at their public meeting. Apparently the Wishgard employee showed up at my buddies parents house the next day upset they formed a meeting with a Lawyer & told his parents I was lying about what they are paying in Carrol county and he's the only one that can bring the oil men not some Lawyer. Problem is $1.50/acre was normal at one time for a lease and unknowing people are going to get ripped off. Ticks me off. I'm told, oil & gas companies won't be out that way for another 8 months or so.