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Posts posted by Gump

  1. erm, I wouldn't take this, you're right from a private employer liability side, but as a consumer/carrier you're breaking the law, and yes, it's a 4th degree misdemeanor to knowingly violate a "do not carry".

    But you're right, as a business owner, civil liability is very limited for people acting negligently or inappropriately. Consumer is a different story.

    Your correct. I was thinking in terms of I'm the owner and i forgot i'd be the only one to tell me not to. I'd never do it in someone elses business who has the sign up.

    When this carry law first came out the insurance companies pushed this stupid sign hard.

  2. I was speaking to the company lawyer about this the other day. He said you can ignore it. Although he said we should not publish that we don't care. To eliminate every Joe smo carrying. he said regardless of the sign we could individually ask someone not to carry. So his suggestion was keep it up so it's not a mafia and carry if you want to. The sign is bologna unless your asked not to carry.

  3. Conservationism = good

    Environmentalism = bad

    It is just a radical extreme, no different than any other crazies, that convince people to change their lifestyles so others can profit. They point the finger at 'big oil' and then do the exact same thing when they turn the corner. They are all fucking liars and crooks. I say we kill 'em all.


    I agree with Papa and Obese man.

    "green" in my industry went by the way side when the economy took a dump. the only one paying attention to it are government offices then you tell me how a green labeled shop vac is better than a non-green labeled shop vac. one company paid for the seal the other didn't. it is a racket.

    kinda like ISO certification...What group of dudes got together and came with this thing. You tell us how you do things and document it and we'll certify you, charge you a bunch of money and then tell other people they need to be certified to do business with you.

    i think we are partly heating the place up. you can't create so much heat from cars & air conditioners et cetera and expect nothing to happen. We keep cutting things down everywhere and can't seem to leave anything alone.

    Take bears in Ohio. There arn't more bears. Less land so you see more or where they lived before is no longer suitable. Take 100 acres of woods & count the deer. Take 100 acres of houses and woods . See where you count more. This theory excludes over hunting.

    They will squeeze every dime out of oil before there is a real change. For something made millions of years ago that won't happen again maybe for millions of years I'd say $2.50 a gallon is a good deal.

    We need to stop making so many kids.

    Problem solved.

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