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Everything posted by Gump

  1. There were only 15 people watching this movie at theater at prime time...SO....they must of heard about it....cucking sock
  2. This company bought a pretty big building down the road from where I work. They have yet to move in. Hopefully i'll be able to finagle some free guns for stretch wrap. http://www.centuryarms.com/Century/home.htm
  3. to each his own...I'm with Cheech....parts of it were VERY SLOW.....then FAST then SLOW....then... wtf...I almost fell asleep waiting for the anticipated action to take place. Kinda like the Bar scene...it could have been over in five but at least everyone who saw it knows exactly how to play that card game now.
  4. Dear Matt, We also hope you enjoyed that teaser made with "real" sugar..We ran out of the fake stuff. Screw your health Sincerely, Mt. Dew HQ
  5. Does your Bersa have the low profile sites and or do you think it's that big of a deal? Screw it... I think I will buy a KEL-TEC....It will feel good to buy something American made for once... Which finish did Blake get? Blued? Parkerized or Hard Chrome? I'm so indecisive...
  6. Your correct. I was thinking in terms of I'm the owner and i forgot i'd be the only one to tell me not to. I'd never do it in someone elses business who has the sign up. When this carry law first came out the insurance companies pushed this stupid sign hard.
  7. I was speaking to the company lawyer about this the other day. He said you can ignore it. Although he said we should not publish that we don't care. To eliminate every Joe smo carrying. he said regardless of the sign we could individually ask someone not to carry. So his suggestion was keep it up so it's not a mafia and carry if you want to. The sign is bologna unless your asked not to carry.
  8. Thanks for the input. I'll skip the HP's. They are kinda like a Homelite weed eater in my mind.. I don't prefer plastic composite guns which turns me away from the Kel-Tec. I'm leaning towards the Bersa or the Walther.
  9. HI-point= cheap junk but what about Bersa, kel-tech and this expensive Magnum research gun? I was looking for new carry piece and i'm not really familiar with reliability of some of these names.
  10. His movies are wierd...They are more "for the couch movies", on a crappy rainy day when you have watched all the good movies and there is nothing else to do. i like em and i don't like em. I think the guy wings it as he goes along.
  11. Welcome...sorry you ended up in Canton.
  12. Neat article. I bought those .22 cb shorts to use with my kids. Not that I don't teach them it will kill someone if you aim it at them but you can actually see a 22 cb short fly.
  13. I thought he was mounting a video camers to his tank bag for live rides? O'well. Someone get a new camera? I like the foam. Should trace out your ccw piece and POW!!!
  14. I'm still not sure this isn't your new job..
  15. Thanks for the tips on the show i was going to check it out but there seems to be no point to go with jerk offs charging what ever the traffic will bear.
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