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Posts posted by Gump

  1. i ordered 500rds of Barnaul 223 ammo a month and a half ago..It should finally be at my house tonight....I'm getting my Carry Conceal soon to just in case the gubment retracts that i'll be grandfathered.

  2. i figure if i'm going to be revving my bike that high, i might as well stick with a good synthetic. i wouldn't want a conventional breaking down on me too early.

    The way it read was that the Synthetic could handle higher, not normal temperatures before breaking down vs. conventional oil. not that one or the other would break down at normal operating temps before the other. basically syn could handle a higher temp than conventional. Both heat ranges were way hotter than any operating temp.

    When i realized this i quit spending the bucks on synthetic unless i was driving a jalopy that i was afraid would overheat often.

  3. I've the inside of the Fram also kinda scary. I use OEM on the bikes.

    I read a 40 page study once about Synthetic vs. Conventional oil once. It basically said Synthetic only makes a difference if the motor would over heat. It would then give more protection as it does nto break down like conventional oil.

    Then you get into additives and all that gunk. I just use Honda oil.

    It's all in the Sf, Ji, rating thing.

  4. Don't you usually want to go down on the front sprocket and up on the rear when gearing a 2-stroke for trails? At least in my experience I have found that MX bikes have too tall of a first gear for the slow technical stuff. IMO, that KX could make a sweet trail machine with a heavier flywheel and the right gearing.

    I did go down on the front? 12 to 11. Still the clutch grips crazy hard, NO slip at all, on or off, makes it tough for the trail. When it hits the power band it's gondy. Traction or no traction. It'll burn or pull wheelies on pavement. Hard to keep it stuck.

    What do you mean heavier flywheel?

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