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Posts posted by Gump

  1. just get a 22 for right now, unless you can find a deal on something else in your range. The 22 will be nice till you have more money to spend on something nicer.

    +1 and it won't break the bank to shoot. I don't shoot my 45 that much because in 5 minutes $20 is gone.

  2. Smith & W 22a very nice easy to shoot 22. Buckeye outdoors had them advertised for $200....Glocks are plastic so i'm bias. I took a college course with cop jocks once they all used glocks i had a Llama 45 1911. No one had any probs. The instructor said Taurus was just not accurate. Ruger Mark III nice but expensive.

    www.cheaperthandirt.com = Free personal gun ads


    Click on ad on left.

  3. yeah too bad corporations wont be able to hide all of their profits overseas anymore and may actually have to pay what taxes they owe. how terrible.

    apparently everyone misses the part about where you get a tax BREAK for expanding or starting operations in the united states.

    so what this means, instead of firing employees here in the states, companies will start firing the guys in bangalore who answer the 1-800 number, open a call center in the US. then they created some new jobs here AND they get a tax cut for it.

    how horrible :rolleyes:

    That's cool...It's about time.

  4. As the CFO of this business that employees 140 people, I have resigned myself to the fact that Barrack Obama will be our next President, and that our taxes and government fees will increase in a BIG way.

    To compensate for these increases, I figure that the Clients will have to see an increase in our fees to them of about 8% but since we cannot increase our fees right now due to the dismal state of our economy, we will have to lay off six of our employees instead. This has really been eating at me for a while, as we believe we are family here and I didn't know how to choose who will have to go.

    So, this is what I did. I strolled thru our parking lot and found 8 Obama bumper stickers on our employees' cars and have decided these folks will be the first to be laid off. I can't think of a more fair way to approach this problem. These folks wanted change; I gave it to them.

    If you have a better idea, let me know.


  5. Gawd, those guys play at The Virginian in Carrollton! That place is scary dyke and Mullett central. Just ask Gump.

    Yep. It's ann odd thing there..i think the mullets are losing popularity..dyke boobs are wierd. kinda like a panty hose with a little sand in it..the band...cool but wierd....

    someone should open a nice bar

  6. I know....I always get screwed b/c I'm single with NO kids. When we got those checks in may mine was soooo small compared to my friends who make much less than me but have 2 or 3 kids. I just feel like as a single person we deserve the same.

    I agree. It's bologna. And i have kids. At the same time if you pay gobs of child support you can't even qualify for assistance with heat or electric bills because they ignore the fact you pay it yet it's not considered income for the payee and they can qualify?

  7. Yes we must support. It's exciting & scary. Now the problem or blessing depending on how you see it is i think 4 supreme court justices are getting ready to retire. 4 new young liberal judges? Not good. there's should always be a mix of "personalities" to get to a good decision.

  8. You're getting off topic, but I know the union can enter any SIZE business.

    Bottom line is though - if you treat your employees right and keep them happy, the union is useless because the people get everything the union would give them without the dues and bullshit of dealing with a union. So, as management, there are ways to keep unions out of your facility and one of the easiest ways is to treat your employees right. Which I would, if I ran a business AND had employees.

    So again, your argument has no merit.

    dude, i didn't know i made an argument?

    Somehow this got twisted into what you would do as an employer?

    How you would view equal treatment as an owner vs. the employees view might differ. It's not that simple.

  9. O i think there is a push for blind ballots? for Unions. Another angle for Unions to enter private business. Nothing to do with the election just on my mind. Not sure on this but i get the jist.

    Cnn, msn? Fox ran stats on how many negative Obam ads vs. Mcdidn't. They were for Obama blatently.

  10. What do you mean, if I could help it? I WOULDN'T RUN A BUSINESS IN THE RED. Unless I was running it by myself, for myself. I'm not going to risk someone elses (like an employee) livelihood on my success.

    You might not have a choice if you were forced by a union to give a certain raise % or you were forced to incur high health care costs due to a unions benefit demands. Your sucess is the livelihood of your employees.

    Fox news... awesome. They're fair and balanced afterall. I mean, if they make an effort to TELL you their fair and balanced, then it must be so.

    The liberal media will never bring focus to the plausable fact that black people voted for a black president. Doesn't really matter.

  11. Where'd those stats come from? Source?

    Small to Medium sized businesses aren't economically efficient in certain sectors, and the ones that are have a business model good enough to survive political change.

    Why would I start my own business with employees knowing I'd be running in the red? That'd be a huge mistake and poor business practice. You have to do your RESEARCH and MARKETING STUDIES before you start a business. And what good would it do to hire people knowing the business is failing and have to lay them all off 6-9 months down the road?

    I don't know what you mean with the 'whatever'. Whatever what? I wouldn't start a business if I wasn't sure it'd be successful.

    Foxnews........it was like 30 minutes ago.

    You wouldn't start a business running in the red if you could help it. Most originally start in the red then you work your way out it's called a business loan. To be successful maybe you could only give a 2% raise? If you were forced to then maybe you'd have to make lay offs or shut down or maybe as the boss or owner u should give yourself a paycut.

  12. d) Improvement in race relations in America.

    ?90% of blacks voted for Obama. 40% whites voted for Obama? hmm

    flat tax would be best.

    Let's all join a Union and shut down small to medium size businesses then complain about where the jobs went.

    Whio ever said they don't want there boss to get a taxcut because he only gave them a 2% increase, whatever. Go start your own business and then pay your employees more than you pay yourself or more even though it might mean your running yourself in the red. But it does not matter just pay them more till your forced to shut the doors.

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