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Everything posted by Gump

  1. Ya, ouch. I'll check. Remember something about that scenario.
  2. Most commercial realestate insurance premiums are dropping at renewal. If not they're pocketing savings. Markets really soft. Different from auto but nows the time to shop your homeowners.
  3. Maybe you know but when your shopping around, never ever tell them what you're paying now! Be legit or exaggerate about your current coverages so it's apples to apples. If you do tell them what you're paying now, lie. They become creative with discounts, to get your business. They will hose a person every chance they get.
  4. Cleavage. If you're going to eventually take a vote, artwork with cleavage will win. Suttle, non-skanky, cleavage.
  5. Gump

    OH 555?

    Very cool, never knew that.
  6. I pay, per year, $140 full coverage on the 599, $90 full coverage on the quad, and $800 on the house with Allstate. House is $200,000 to rebuild, another $200,000 for contents, then all that other gunk.
  7. My only complaint about Allstate is their damn notifications in the mail or email. They never tell you if the cost has went up or down. They just say their has been a change to your policy and they don't say why or if the"change" is an increase or decrease. I laid into them the last letter I got. It was good news but for christs sake spell it out. Dont piss me off every time you send a letter by making me call you to have explain what the hell it's all about. I'd be out of business if every invoice I sent required a phone call so it could be explained. I might shop them just because of this issue.
  8. I agree when it comes to using it for hunting purposes. it's gotta be an extremely large chunk of land, to sustain the wildlife if you have 20 dudes romping all over it every week or even 1 a week. At that point, it's as good as public property hunting.
  9. This unable to edit thing is annoying. Then when the rules and intended use is known you can Tally those really interested and ready to commit, so when a property actually becomes available, it can be purchased. If agreed upon.
  10. Do it. Laying out the proposed rules clearly and intended use should be first, I'd think, so those interested can actually commit or not. Hunting and 4 wheeling don't mix at the same time. Neither does someone target target shooting while someone's hunting.
  11. Lithium-ion jump starter, Starkpower IsparQ 600a. http://www.amazon.com/StarkPower-iSparQ-Lithium-ion-Starter-Charger/dp/B00JB5GA36 This little gadget is amazingly powerful.It's basically two business cards long, 1 business card wide, and 1" tall. Weighs very little and small. Kind of odd. It has a 12800mAh lithium battery. I'm trying to pull together a discount buy but I'm not sure how that's going to work out.
  12. Do you enter the lotteries for NASA Glenn and I think Ravenna might still do it? NASA Glenn was fun. They do it right so your not walking across each other. 1-2 people per sectioned off piece of property.
  13. I understand. In the 90's I use to ask different farmers permission to squirrel or rabbit hunt with some succes. Deer hunting privaye property during gun season, is prime real estate, where usually their family members, if they hunt all, always hunt deer gun. If you do ever get permission, make sure it's clear between you and the landowner, if it's for one time, multiple times, just you or you and a friend, camping, no camping, screw in ladders or no screw in ladders, et cetera. Nothing pisses off a landowner more than giving someone permission and all the sudden their bringing friends, screwing in foot ladders, riding quads around, et cetera.
  14. Gump

    Good News thread:

    I have water again.
  15. You should be able to track it from the site. You'll need to click the Netherlands post or the wang chow type postal link from Gearbest's site tracker page then manually type in your tracking number because it won't let you paste, on one or the other tracking pages. You can't just enter your number on the GearBest tracking page like you think it would work. You need to be on the suggested postal site, then enter your number and you'll be able to tell at least what country it's in. About 19 days. My Syma got hung up in Newyork and took it 3 days to get to another post office an hour away. I think because of weather.
  16. I wouldn't want to be on any public property during any deer gun season. I'd like to think the parents or adults, who have to be with the youth, would be extra cautious.
  17. I'm betting they want to put it on that date to give the youth a better chance because of the rut.
  18. That's a pretty good deal. Bang good wasn't that cheap on that quad a week ago and now GearBest took there Cheerson price back to normal. They change them often. I wouldn't order anything from China now unless on sale and you don't care about shipping time. It's Chinese New Years and they all get drunk for a few weeks.
  19. They proposed a two day deer gun season December 26th and 27th. That's convienent for families also. I don't want hear a complaints from any bow hunters. Your season is WAY too long, your arrow speeds are faster, your kill range improved, and hunting over bait is for pansies.
  20. The Youth deer hunt date change moves it to a weekend that kids have that Monday off school. I'd assume that makes it more family and kid friendly.
  21. You can easily submit your opinion online or attend in person. You'll have to research the proposed change before commenting so that you're commenting on the correct rule, as there are many of them. Topics such as hunting over bait on public Property, deer bag limits, et cetera. I'll keep my opinion out of this thread. I would hope some of the hunting enthusiasts, and conservationist would submit your non-crazy opinion so that the non-commercial voice can be heard. http://wildlife.ohiodnr.gov/stay-informed/proposed-rule-changes-csi-review
  22. Don't buy this! My god, look at the tongue! Actually it has potential after you cut half the tongue off at the jack and he takes $300. $250 if he welded the hitch tongue to that long ass tongue. http://phoenix.craigslist.org/evl/cto/4882400857.html This one maybe. http://phoenix.craigslist.org/evl/cto/4891495890.html
  23. Gump

    Titanium coatings

    Looks great. Does the barrel face that shows, show signs of wear?
  24. Gump

    Titanium coatings

    Your barrel on a semi auto pistol?
  25. Gump

    Titanium coatings

    Strictly cosmetic purpose. Are the other coatings mentioned as thin as titanium and scratch resistant? The titanium site lists there thickness.
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