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Everything posted by RVTPilot

  1. Here, here IP! Are we saying now that all perps are fat people, or those that are "gravity friendly" are more likely to be intruders than those who are a tad more svelt? At least she understands that as a woman, her proper workplace is the kitchen.
  2. Eh, since becomig a Stiller, he's dead to me as a Buckeye.
  3. These bikes have been engineered by the post-Nazi Germans. Not the attention to detail, "Einer, zwei, drei" focus of the brow-beaten ancestors. Hence their Ducati-like maintenance intervals.
  4. Figured it was that enginerd smarts in you that provides that perspective, so I can't really argue against it. It does have that land of the rising sun look and feel to it, aside from the jack-o-lantern looking headlamps. I was just happy to see them get away from the opposed twin look. Ick.
  5. I recall conversations with guys who were Beemer Bike guys from way back when I was working the shop back in Jax and they seemed to say that BMWs were almost as frequent in their shop visits as their Italian counterparts were. Recall more than a few shaft drive and oil sump issues, but it has been a month full of sundays since then. I dig the cool tech stuff, so long as I can truly utilize it. If the sexiness gives me more than the techy stuff, give me the sexie. No one has ever banged a chick because her lungs take in twice as much air as her same-size-chested counterparts. But I know where you're coming from.
  6. Capser FTMFW!!!! And Justin knows i luvs him. I will push his drooling ass around should his large hearted GF finally decide she's done dating one of Jerry's kids. And he's right. Him is handicripple strong.
  7. Oh phuck awff. Retarded sexiness is why you have a GF. She sees RS in you.
  8. It does have a retarded sexiness about it. And its apparently making a respectable showing over in WSBK.
  9. I love ET, but I have to think he's gonna jump to the NBA. But he may decide to give it another run. You get the feeling that an NCAA Championship is one of the things he wants on his resume.
  10. Turner should have gone to the line for 3, even if he was clearing a bit with his off hand. Price was crushing him.
  11. Ugh! My scarlet and grey heart is broken! Tennessee is not a better team than our Bucks, but they were better on one night, which is what makes the tourney great. But c'mon guys! Play a little D inside and take better care of the ball! I so wanted to see Turner cut down the nets in Indy before he moves on to the NBA. Dammit! Well, proud for all they did this year. Here's hoping Motta is ready to win the Big Ten again next year, and maybe with more than 5 or 6 kids.
  12. The only thing that would slow down a 51 headed hot into a corner is some goddman 'busa clogging up the apex. Like trying to pass an aircraft carrier.
  13. I take offense to that! I am not a Republican. Wait! I have no affinity for young balls either. Dammit. Post fail. Fuck.
  14. And the true Dem in JRMMiii comes out in this comment. You know I am busting those young, liberal balls of yours amigo. I find your passion inspiring. But you can't apply that garbage truck building engineering logic to politics. Applying logic to politics is like dancing about architecture.
  15. If I had the bones, I'd pick it up. Big fan of Teknic's gear.
  16. True, there are costs of doing business, but regardless of what your company's earnings are, a sudden billion dollar hit is a lot. Enough to make make organizations have to re-do their business model. In this economy, that's going to be very tough on some organizations.
  17. The cell tower reference is confined to the telecom industry. These charges/fees/taxes are crossing industry boundaries. That will have an effect on a much larger scale.
  18. No, I am not complaining that he is willing to compromise. In fact I am very much in support of compromise, which neither side seems to be very interested in doing with eachother. But these things should have been ironed out before it was signed, not after. It is the harried nature by which this thing was rushed through the process, and the way key votes were swayed by the voice of the person our representatives were voted in place to take our voice to, not making us subject to how he wants things to be. I was and am still for the reformation of healthcare in this country. There are some very important issues that this bill will meet the needs of. But to do so at the expense of one's liberty as well as leaving so many aspects of what is wrong with healtcare and the insurance industry is what bothers me. My beef is with our representation on both sides of the party lines. I would love to see the GOP'ers exercise better judgement and rather than simply sit back and say no because they don't like it engage the Dems and Mr. Prez and work towards a solution, not say no until the one you want falls in your lap. That is just as useless to the public as the Dem turncoats that flip-flopped at the last minute. And for the Pres to basically say "well, I said we were gonna do something, that is exactly what we're gonna do" shows a lack of respect for the democratic process.
  19. He has been preaching healthcare reform since campaigning for the job, yes. But the details by which he was intending to execute that plan weren't completely made public until the very last minute. Why else was he in Iowa City starting the process of selling the American public on this. (http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington/2010-03-25-Obama_N.htm) Then, two days after signing it, he signs amendments to satisfy the Dems desire to remove abortion language from it? I just find it amazing that something of this magantude is so incomplete after having been signed. I would agree that there are plenty of those that voted for him, and got behind his idea OF reform (as it was necessary) but not the ideas executed FOR reform by this measure. There is still too great a burden placed on the public by way of taxes and requirements, and not enough regulation of the insurance industry. That was Kucinich's contention as one of the Dem NO votes, until his 11th hour crying of uncle to The President, against the wishes of those that elected him to represent them, not the President's agenda.
  20. If you have to stump to and educate the voting public on a bill AFTER you have signed it into law, you have made a mistake and grand injustice to your constituency, let alone the numerous millions that have no voice yet are subject to your policies. Period. And to the numerous representatives that kaw towed to the arm wringing and grandstanding of your colleagues and the president, shame on you for misrepresenting your constituents. You are their voice to leadership FOR them, not a mouthpiece to them from leadership. Good luck come November.
  21. Inya has that fast-twitch cornea thanks to genetics, where JRMMiii has two left eyes and you can tell on the dance floor. But Inya makes a solid case for doing it, and the biggest reason I want to someday. I have worn contacts for 20 years, and I have had infections more times than I care to admit, and I am anal about their care. Plus, I am already hitting them with drops 2,3,4 times a day. What is twice a day once the healing time from the surgery is over?
  22. True. When I bought my RC I received a Honda Powersports card that gave me similar benefits for two years following the purchase. I think that VIP 3 yr deal offered was pretty generous by industry standards, especially nowadays when no one even throws in a helmet anymore. To a degree I can understand V_R's dad's beef but to play devil's advocate, who gets 3 years out of the OEM tires? True he has 3 bikes but from the dealership's POV that's a long time after the sale to come back in asking for a free set of meat. I am impressed that Roush made the call himself, and recognizes the importance of customer care. That will go a long way with me, should I decide I need something that his shop would provide.
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