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Status Updates posted by Fonzie

  1. Ben Burger.....Tony's in Findlay. You & Moose'll have to come up this summer

  2. Best record in MLB right now! ;)

  3. Bodyguard?!? You got a stalker now too??? :lol:

  4. By the way.....Sharp lookin' 929! I always liked those

  5. Check my sig for link to where some of us locals hang out too

  6. Check this site out too....


    Smaller & slower movin', but many of us are within' an hour of you. A few are probably even within 15-20 minutes

  7. Congratz Dumplin'

    So are DJ Lance & JRM Spock fightin' over who's the Baby Daddy??? ;)

  8. Congratz to her!! And.... I feel your pain.... Mine just turned 13.... But at least she's got 2 older brothers to help me out! ;)

  9. Cool.... Thanx! I thought I'd heard before that they were a pretty reliable engine. Forgot to mention, this one in particular has 107,000 miles on it. Don't remember hearing any rattling when I listened to it the other day. Just got rid of an Olds Cutlass last year with the 3.1, and that thing was nothin' but problems, so figured I better ask someone who'd know, about the 3.8

    You goin' to New River Gorge w/ us on the 12th?

  10. Copy of FMJ would be VERY cool!! thumb.gif

  11. Did I remember right??? ;)

  12. Didn't think they allowed those "puppies" on facebook :D

    Sounds like I need to send you a friend request:lol:

  13. Dodgers did pretty good without 'ol Manny! ;)

  14. Don't forget to post those new Steeler pix you put in that one thread, over to the BlitzBurgh page too CareBear ;)

    Here we go Steelers....Here we go!!

  15. Don't really use the FLASB page on here anymore. Check the NWOSR link in my sig line

  16. Doubtful. CareBear asked me the same thing awhile back. Too many other rides I wanna do/places I wanna go, to be repeatin' one already

    I'm plannin' on goin' to Vintage Bike Days @ Mid OH in 2 weeks, to hang out for the day.

    Funny that you were more worried about that chicky's age, than if I'd said she was cute or not :p

    I knew you were a little bitty thang ;)

    So where'd you guys ride to that day? I musta missed that thread completely

  17. Even before I saw your picture of it ;)

    Here 'ya go though.....

    "Weightlifting, also called Olympic weightlifting or Olympic-style weightlifting, is a sport in which participants attempt a maximum weight single lift of a barbell loaded with weight plates. The two lifts currently competed are the clean and jerk and the snatch. The compound word "weightlifting" is also often used to refer to weight training. Clean and press was another weightlifting technique, discontinued due to difficulties in judging proper form. In comparison with powerlifting which tests limit strength (with or without lifting aids), weightlifting tests ballistic limits (explosive strength) with smaller weights such that the lifts must be executed more quickly and with more mobility because of a greater range of motion during the lifts. While there are relatively few competitive Olympic lifters, the lifts and their components are commonly used by elite athletes to train for explosive and functional strength"

  18. Exxxactly! Problem is... Are we once again gonna toss out big $$ on a bad investment, just because he's a big "name"?

    What you think about Torre leavin', but keepin' his options open to coach somewhere else, rather than retirement? Thoughts on Mattingly?

  19. First I'd heard about you trying to talk to me Jess over on Assfault Junkies. I assure you it wasn't me ignoring you. I will say though, that when I tried responding to your post over there.....This is the message I keep getting when I'm trying to navigate the site at all now.....

    vBulletin Message

    Fonzie, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

    Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?

    If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.

    Seems I've been banned before I've even made a post, as I was able to navigate normally for the first hour or two :popcorn: Since I can't reply to you over there....Thought I'd do it here. Guess I'm the one being "shunned" ;)

  20. Forgot to ask..... What about Grattan was pissing you off so bad?

  21. FYI Matt.... My 3 year old's sitting here next to me, & keeps wanting me to go back to the "typing cat".... In fact, he gets quite mad when I move the screen or change threads, & keeps taking "pictures" of it with his Mickey Mouse toy camera!! :lol:

  22. Glad to hear you're feelin' better! Heard you made the ride last Saturday

    Hey... Can we ask you to shrink your sig tribute to Presige a bit? Very cool lookin' though! Thanx Bud

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