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Everything posted by 4DAIVI PAI2K5

  1. LBTS is close, I put shit in the hollow point to infest the wound cavity.
  2. mojoh I will get to the UPS store on monday and see what they say.
  3. I'm also thinking of picking this up. http://www.amazon.com/Cowboystudio-Photography-Portrait-Continuous-Umbrellas/dp/B003WLY24O/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS_nC?ie=UTF8&colid=32AE6MUSTYXMH&coliid=IO5K7F02J4I8F
  4. I have a cannon 18-55 already. Would the ef 50mm do better then my current?
  5. Should just took the slide off to take the pic would have saved people from jumping your ass. I could care less, its a sweet pic.
  6. NO speed channel has been a bag of dicks for a while.
  7. They both need jail time. Him a lot more then her.
  8. I don't think he wanted to go that far south but Ill mention it to him. I will also forward the cj.com
  9. I think they have more then enough on order lol
  10. forwarded both of those on to him. Keep them coming.
  11. My best friend is looking to come home later this year. He was in the Air force, now is in the reserves and doing his job as a civilian over in Dover, Delaware. Well he is looking to come home but wants to try to find a job before moving back with the wife and baby in tow. Anyone got any info? He was thinking UPS or the airport. Let me know what you got.
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