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Everything posted by 4DAIVI PAI2K5

  1. i'll check and see if I can get out on some of the dates.
  2. What range are you guys shooting at Todd? I wouldn't mind getting some gun porn photos. Could use them on your page.
  3. I also taught him proper grip and such. Watch out!
  4. Other states have just passed similar laws. Write your reps.
  5. Representative Cheryl Grossman (R Ohio) is putting this bill in now. She has been hard at work putting together a bill to change the hunting law in Ohio to allow suppressors. In her research she came across what Georgia had done. The following is an excert from the bill that was passed in Georgia. She is planning to use it as a template for Oho's bill. Any firearm otherwise 55 authorized for use in the hunting or taking of game may be equipped with a suppressor, 56 provided that the user is authorized to possess such suppressor and he or she has 57 registered the suppressor in accordance with the dictates of the National Firearms Act, 58 68A Stat. 725 (26 U.S.C. Sections 5841-5862). For the purposes of this paragraph, the 59 term 'suppressor' means any device for quieting or diminishing the report of any portable 60 weapon such as a rifle, carbine, pistol, revolver, machine gun, shotgun, fowling piece, or 61 other device from which a shot, bullet, or projectile may be discharged by an explosive. 62 (b) The hunting privileges of any person who has been convicted of violating the 63 provisions of this title or any rule or regulation promulgated pursuant thereto by hunting 13 LC 28 6490 S. B. 93 - 3 - 64 without landowner permission, hunting in an area that is closed for hunting, or by hunting 65 big game out of season or at night with a firearm equipped with a suppressor shall be 66 suspended for three years." Write your Reps and tell them to support it! http://www.ohiohouse.gov/members/member-by-county A few other states have passed these recently.
  6. Good deal. I'm just not a fan of them. Mine has to be put in an drawn just right or the locking mech. doesn't preform properly. I've went to yank the gun out a few times on the range while doing moving drills and had to piss with it to get it to draw.
  7. Marc was letting Pedro lead him around, if he would have attacked and passed him early on he would have been closer to Jorge, and Rossi wouldn't have caught him. I'm so pumped to see Val back up front!!!!! I was hooting and hollering the whole time. Was serious impressed with the gap the Hondas pulled on the straight!
  8. Anyone know how the trail is there in Newark? Think we are going to hit it up on Sunday. We are trying to hit different trails this year, and just done Dillon last weekend.
  9. I let a new yorker play with some pistols and introduced him icky AR's in both 16" and scary 10.5" lengths. Even let him shot those assassin tools called silencers.
  10. If he does he will probably stop using it. Shady Watch your trigger finger when you draw it. The button places your finger in the trigger area when drawing. Also you will realize that you have to make sure your draw is straight up or the button will not release. As Howard said practice
  11. Marc will be ridiculous this season. I'm betting he wins it all. Pedo will be second. Jorge 3rd Rossi 4th. I think Dovi will be okay on the Duc. Spies will be 10th ish just behind Nicky
  12. Yeah fuck that rock garden. LOL not sure how far we went but we guessed from the trail map that it was 10-12. Then started running out of light and didn't know where we were lol. Found a sign and went up a path to find some camping area. Asked a lady where the hell we were and how to get back to our cars. Rode a few miles back down the road to find our parking lot. Next time we go back we will skip the red, we thought it would just be some crazy climbs and down hills but no it was that stupid rock garden that is impossible. On the yellow part there is a wooden thing that I came flying up on didn't know it had a back side that you could ride down and I just launched off of it. When I got stopped I screamed back to my buddy so he would ride down it instead of jumping to flat like I did lol. Good times but that road ride back got damn cold.
  13. Thanks but he is still over in Dover currently
  14. Hitting up Dillion today with a couple buddies. None of us have ever been there. WHat does everyone think of the place?
  15. Not a fan. 1) it is a choice to own a firearm. Should not be forced to own one. 2) I'm sure we can all think of plenty of people we wouldn't want owning a gun due to lack of sense.
  16. More on this? I've never heard of it.
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