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Everything posted by 4DAIVI PAI2K5

  1. I'll pass it on to him. I'm good at spending other peoples money
  2. Want to try one of those. Wish I was off on Sunday
  3. Well buddy broke his derailleur. It was a Alivio series. It is tore apart in my garage right now. Probably going to replace it with the same model.
  4. Did an 8 hour Carbine class. Was all stuff I had worked on before but was a good refresher. Still have improving to do. Got introduced to the 10-10-10 drill on a rifle at 25 yards. Got my fingers black and bleeding clearing type 3 malfunctions with my eyes closed. Knees are sore from doing different positions. Was a good time. Looking forward to the second class in June.
  5. Got a last minute spot in a Vickers Carbine class so I wont be taking any pics Tim.
  6. Going to Vickers Tactical Carbine class on Saturday.
  7. I'll see what I can work out.
  8. What roads you taking? I might try to set up in a corner and snag some photos.
  9. Marc is going to win this thing this year. I said if before the season started and Im sticking with it.
  10. I got 6 for my g23 RTF2 with 4 mags just the other day.
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