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Everything posted by 4DAIVI PAI2K5

  1. Here is one persons response as to the night hunting part, since I don't know personally. It reads "hunting big game out of season or at night", meaning you can't hunt deer at night. Basically expanding on things that are already illegal.
  2. hit up Star Hill Trails today in Newark. Awesome trails some really fun down hill but the uphills were killer!!! Got some Jimmie Johns afterwards for lunch. Never had it before but it was good! Planning on hitting up Alum Creek next Sunday. It is the place with 2 parts I hear you guys talking about correct?
  3. http://www.ar15.com/forums/t_3_4/292695_Cutting_Gun_Case_Foam__lots_of_photos_.html
  4. Thanks Todd if I can't find any used I'll hit you up like a fine ladies ass.
  5. yes. It is looking for some to mold since I'm getting rid of my glock today or monday.
  6. Looking for a Glock 19 blue gun. Or any others popular guns. M&P, Glock 17, 1911, etc...
  7. This admin has shiped out some weapons for sure
  8. It was later posted it was 20,000 5.56 rounds for m16 not the guns them selves also was a few thousand 9mm rounds taken also.
  9. Should have put the mags on edge and all together
  10. Honda should drop Pedro and get Cal
  11. I'm curious how much support he gets from the factory already.
  12. I sent him back an offer Thank you for your response Mr Hayes. If you are ever in Coshocton and are willing I would be more then happy to let you use a firearms with a legally registered suppressors to understand their usefulness at our private gun club. Just an offer. Thank you for your time, Adam Parks.
  13. Here is Bill Hayes response to me: Dear Mr. Parks, Thank you for contacting my office regarding hunting laws in Ohio. I enjoy hearing from my constituents about the things that matter to them the most. Potential legislation regarding allowing firearm sound suppressors while hunting has not yet been introduced to the House of Representatives at this time. However, I look forward to learning more about the issue and if legislation comes before me in the future I will be certain to keep your views in mind. Thank you again for contacting my office concerning this issue and please feel free to contact my office in the future regarding this or any other state matter. Sincerely, Bill Hayes State Representative 72nd District
  14. Im hoping for a fun filled summer. Plan on taking him camping with us this summer too. I'm pumped!
  15. Sounds like a family trip is in order!
  16. Thinking of taking the boy to zoo here shortly. He is turning 2 in a few weeks. He loves animals like most kids. Anyone taken their little ones at this early of an age? Did they enjoy it or get made from not being able to touch the animals? Let hear how it went.
  17. 2 great things about a boat. The day you buy it and the day you sell it.
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