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Everything posted by SchmuckGirl

  1. SchmuckGirl


    You're STILL musky?
  2. SchmuckGirl


    I know. I'm very rude like that. Esp since it was right under her name
  3. Lance! I guess i never saw your bike last time. It looks really great!
  4. SchmuckGirl


    alright there, sassy mouth! Sorry I didn't catch every detail of your extremely long and rembling pointless thread. I guess what I took away is that you said you wanted a ride, several people offered you one and you took no one up on the offer.... I mean, who could refuse Jrmiii's ride + 'musk'
  5. SchmuckGirl


    apparently she has a zzr600
  6. and who the heck is 'Scarlett Harlot'? Likwid, I think that's just the lighting....
  7. I'm gonna go with brunette in this case as well. I mean, I really wanna see Mike do the rattle can matte black but if that's not going to happen, brunette is my option 2
  8. Schmuck, you been complaining about my cooking again
  9. Uh oh! Another year older!!! Sorry I won't get to see you on your birth day. I'll make it up to ya
  10. He specifically said they are not opposed to Harleys....
  11. Their warranty has saved me before, too
  12. That's what she said! That's alot. I've been doing Muscle Madness on Wedn nights and spinning class when I can. As tough as bootcamp was last night, I should probably do that one more often....

  13. This is awesome. I like the matte black; what color are you going to?
  14. ....but I'M the meanie on this board! lol, welcome!
  15. I'm in the keyhole trying to master that double apex?
  16. Saw Steph in class at the gym last night! It was a tough bootcamp, whoo!

    She showed me some cute pics of the daughter, too. Very sweet

  17. That looks much better! Every time I take my pegs and rear seat off, I end up needing them back on again, lol
  18. Finally 21!! Yay for you!
  19. soooo, we can only come if we are ok with people instigating drama?
  20. I did this on the way to volleyball the other night. Oops!
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