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Everything posted by natedogg624

  1. heh heh... of course i predicted top 10 so i wasn't that much better. looks like whodey wins the price for being the closest.
  2. carrie, did you know you have a light out: silly honda's
  3. blazing lights huh? thats weird. usually its like a blazing siren or lights flashing but blazing lights. who would have thunk.
  4. the part thats all windy...near(ish) the highway... come on nick.

  5. what i heard on the news was that so far it seems like a murder suicide.
  6. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=4306275
  7. you know, the secret spot.

  8. yea i have, been down to the "secret spot" from our sunday rides a few times.

  9. yes ive been back for a while now.

  10. THAT WAS YOU?! i thought we were buddies its on now mr. nick.
  11. what are you talking about i thought everyone had a John Varvatos pinstripe suit in their closet.
  12. ok im not too knowledable on the bracketing of income and what not but pardon how basic my definition is: you know those people that live in the real nice neighborhoods and drive the lexi and m-b, bmw's etc, you know the neighborhood practically every town has. tax them more. the people that live in the "normal" houses with hondas and gm's etc that would be middle class, inner city housing would be my lower class. again i know that is extreme and dont take that very literally. similar response, let the mom and pop shops grow, expand into two mom and pop shops. i really don't know how to define the small business from the larger ones but maybe if i were to take a stab when you start getting involved with franchising your business, maybe 10, or 20 stores you can be considered middle business and then up from there to big business. again very basic and not very descriptive. didn't think about that, good comeback as to which i have no response. but you did make me think of another point to add: more research/funding towards developing alternative fuels to allow ourselves to rid our dependency from the middle eastern countries. honestly thats the stupidest thing that always gets me. i dont want to hear about what the senators are doing with our sports on sportscenter... well maybe there is some work being done and we just dont hear about it because it is blanketed by the war in iraq, obama's healthcare plan and michael jackson. but im tired of constantly seeing school disctricts threaten to have to cut extra curricular programs due to lack of funds and beg and pleed with the community to vote for their levi(y?) on the next ballot. also more funding towards fire departments. however, police on is a different matter. maybe because all i ever see them do is camp out in a speed trap when no less than one block away is a busy intersection where there are accidents happening due to red light runners. And no the answer is not red light cameras, that is a large waste of money from what i have read as the company who built those gets most of it. getting to be more state issues but: why regulate the speed so much on our highways with state troopers? how many accidents are there were speed was the culprit vs the in town cross traffic situations. less highway patrolling and more in town.
  13. alright since this is stepping away from palin obviously, here are a few thoughts i've had, albeit i am still young and not as wise as some other guys and gals on here so take this with a grain of salt: raise taxes on the rich, lower taxes on the poor. why raise taxes on the poor, they don't have any money anyways? same with taxing businesses, tax the bigger guys let the small businesses grow by not penalizing them so much with taxes. out of iraq, back to the main focus of why we went over there in the first place and after bin laden bring back our boys from the middle east, and instead replace them with the murderers and rapists that nobody cares about anyways and let them release some bent up energy over there. (sorry if anyones relative is a murderer/rapist) healthcare - well honestly im not too versed on this so i can't put forth a honest opinion on it, although im not too keen on what obama has planned less government, why in the blue fuck are we involved with baseball and football sports? guns - let people have them. education - focus more energy on this, making our future smarter instead of spending it all overseas. just some thoughts of mine.
  14. nah i was just stirring the pot although...that whole freedom of choice with health care? we either choose his way or get fined. sounds fair.
  15. didn't obama say the same thing about defending our constitution...?
  16. Maxim Subscription Code: YSON
  17. See, I understood that, although you have room for improvement. Very good stoneage, thank you. Also, I wasn't correcting your grammar, more like trying to understand the language you speak. Far out, dude.
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