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Everything posted by natedogg624

  1. +1 I always use the clutch for everyday riding
  2. http://www.nickyhayden.com/index.cfm/p/news-july-helmet-09
  3. that was the nicer todd, he's just too new to know any better. A for effort lol
  4. i have 3 and allstate still quoted me 55 a month for full and that was before their revamped policy.
  5. progressive/usaa - $47 a month full coverage going to try allstate tomorrow, my good friend is an agent there he says they are revamping their motorcycle policies and should be able to beat progressive
  6. looking forward to more than just standing around boring old bike nights with that bike yes?
  7. you should probably make it req'd to split the cost of the garage if you are letting us use it, at least thats what im chipping in same with the gas cost.
  8. ill take a garage spot. Pm replied to as well steve.
  9. i wanted to see what the other pic was...
  10. amc at easton was pretty good from what i remember. sorry not in dublin tho
  11. yes it was for an ex which is why im getting rid of it, as for more pics of the girl in my avatar look in the boobies section. they're there.
  12. as soon as i get a confirmed spot on a trailer ill pay up. well im in dayton area, and can also be up in cbus if necessary. just let me know.
  13. chris, keep your gun at home... your knife is ok.
  14. sorry for your luck dude. just one reason you should have got the iP... nah im not going to go there.
  15. um, lets let the police handle the kids with guns. nick bud you said you had babies on the way, dont do anything rash if you do find him or see him again.
  16. if i were to guess id say posts dont count in the fuckstick section.
  17. natedogg624


    fuck that dude im a wannabe racer. i gots no time.
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